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Prasant Acharya edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the miso wiki!

What is miso:

Essentially youtube-dl for manga and novels in general. It uses a combination of scraping and using avaliable API's for particular sites where avaliable.

How to contribute:

  1. If you are working on a particular issue comment on it that you would like to work on it.

    • This allows other people to see who's doing what
    • We encourage you to reach out to other people doing an issue, don't pass up on it just because someone has said they are working on an issue.
  2. Fork the repo

  3. Follow the build instructions

  4. Write your code and commit to that forked repo.

  5. Make a pull request

    • In the pull request, describe what changes you have made, and please link to the issue you worked on if you did that.
    • The weeb poly devs will try to do the code review in a timely manner, and give feedback where given
    • Once the code review is over, the code gets pull in, and congrats! you have contributed.

How to leave issues:

Instructions are in the issue template.

Where to communicate:

We have a discord, we encourage anyone who wants to contribute join:


Code documentation is fairly heavy and robust. While developing, you do not need to follow these guidlines. Once you submit a PR however, we will ask you to detail the functions you have written so someone else can document these changes.

Documentation rules:

  • Functions:

    • Functions are written in camelCase
    • Function comments at the top should follow this standard:
    -- NOTE: anything that developers should be aware of. 
    --       Ex: still under development / odds behaviour when done in rapid succession / etc
    input: arguments for the fuction
    output: possible return types
    purpose: general idea for this function 
    usage: example of how to call it, and what it returns/does
  • Variables:

    • Variable names should be very clear what they do: please dont make variables called a, x, meme, etc.
    • Variables should also be in camelCase
  • Classes:

    • Classes should be in snake_case
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