To Dockerise Helpy you must make a few tweaks to the source code also there are a couple of things to note.
- Nginx will be exposed on ports 80 443. if you want to put a SSL cert on 443 then there are plenty of resources out there to help you so I wil let you google that.
- This method assumes that nothing eles is running on port 80. If you do have something on port 80 then you can simply comment out the nginx components, expose port 3000 and then use the nginx-sites.conf for your new vhost.
cd into where you placed the Dockerfile and clone the latest helpy into a directory called "helpy" or copy your existing application there.
git clone helpy
config/environment.rb: Add the following to Line 3:
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'production'
db/seeds.rb: Edit the users and the users passwords that you need. Remove any you don't need.
config/initializers: Line 22: Change the config.secret_key
- Docker : install it.
Don't forget to create a new password for yourself and replace "helpy1234"
config/database.yml: with
url: postgres://helpy:helpy1234@postgres/helpy_production
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf8
database: helpy_production
pool: 5
username: helpy
password: helpy1234
host: postgres
You need to set up postgres. This will sort you out. You have to secure the db files yourself.
- Make a local folder for postgres data persistance
- Run this below command and make sure that you set a secure password and replace the "helpy1234". Use the same one as above in the database.yml file
docker run --name "postgres" -d -e 'DB_USER=helpy' -e 'DB_PASS=helpy1234' -e 'DB_NAME=helpy_production' -v /data/helpy/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
CD into where the helpy Dockerfile is and run the below commands on the server
docker build --rm -t helpy .
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --link postgres:postgres --name "helpy" helpy
docker ps
Shell into the Docker Helpy container to check that everything is running okdocker exec -it helpy bash
Visit the server IP in your browser and Helpy should load.