Mastodon-thegx-blocker is a Python script that will search for new follows by accounts with 'thegx' and block them.
This is an instance level admin only script (the admin:read and admin:right privileges
You can set it up to run as a cron job to block the accounts as they appear.
Setup your config. Set your account credentials in the config.ini and run the script.
site =
This script needs to be ran with an account that has moderation privileges.
bot_username = (Mastodon account user)
bot_password = botspassword (User password)
After first run, pytooter_clientcred.secret will be created in your run folder.
#client_id = this will be noted in pytooter_clientcred.secret line 1
#client_secret = this will be noted in pytooter_clientcred.secret line 2
#oauth = this will be noted after you add the above two and re-run
After first run, open newly created pytooter_clientcred.secret file in your run folder. Add client_ID and client_secret= to your config file and remove the hashes. Save the config file.
Rerun and copy and paste your oauth code as shown in the terminal.
To run the script every 5 minutes, edit/open the cron file: crontab -e Add following entry:
*/5 * * * * python3 /path/to/
Save and exit
If running Windows, you can rename to main.pyw and set it up to run silently on a regular schedule with Task Scheduler.