Rede Rest API's driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library
This library is installed via Composer. To install it, call:
composer require waldson/omnipay-rede-rest-api
The following methods are supported by this package:
in a single step)refund
The following gateway is provided by this package:
- Rede
use Omnipay\Omnipay;
$gateway = Omnipay::create('Rede');
$gateway->setMerchantId($yourCV); // Filiação
$gateway->setMerchantKey($yourToken); // Token
$card = array('number' => '4242424242424242', 'expiryMonth' => '6', 'expiryYear' => '2030', 'cvv' => '123', 'name' => 'Holder name');
$response = $gateway->purchase(array('amount' => '10.00', 'reference' => '1', 'card' => $card))->send(); //or authorize(...)
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
// payment was successful: update database
$transactionId = $response->getTransactionId();
//with transactionId you can fetch...
$transactionInfo = $gateway->fetchTransaction(['transactionId' => $transactionId]); //you can pass 'reference' too
$response = $gateway->refund(['transactionId' => $transactionId, 'amount' => '10.00']);
//or capture (don't work with purchase, you can only capture authorized requests)
$response = $gateway->capture(['transactionId' => $transactionId, 'amount' => '10.00']);
} else {
// payment failed: display message to customer
$errorMessage = $response->getMessage();
$errorCode = $response->getCode();
If you believe you have found a bug, please report it using the GitHub issue tracker, or better yet, fork the library and submit a pull request.
PS: Rede is a brazillian payment gateway.