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-fileformat [ xatg | sdkmesh | sdkmesh2 ] Specifies the output file format (defaults to SDKMESH). XATG is used by Xbox 360 samples, and SDKMESH is used by DXUT11 and DirectX Tool Kit for DX11 / DX12
-endian [ ppc | intel ] Specifies data endianness for vertex buffer and index buffer data (defaults to little-endian). PPC (big-endian) is used by Xbox 360, and Intel (little-endian) is used by Windows PCs & Xbox One.
-featurelevel [9.1 | 9.2 | 9.3 | 10.0 | 10.1 | 11.0 | 11.1 | 12.0 | 12.1 | 12.2] Specifies the target Direct3D hardware feature level which is used to trigger warnings related to vertex buffer size, index buffer size, and texture size. Defaults to 11.0.
-exporthiddenobjects[+|-] Exports all objects in the scene that are marked as hidden (defaults true).
-exportframes[+|-] Exports all frames in the transform frame hierarchy (defaults true).
-exportlights[+|-] Exports all lights found in the scene, including point, spot, and directional lights (defaults true).
-lightrangescale [ 0.0 - 1000.0 ] Multiply computed light ranges by this amount (defaults to 1.0).
-exportcameras[+|-] Exports all cameras found in the scene (defaults true).
-exportbindpose[+|-] Sets the transform frames to the bind pose before exporting, if a bind pose is found (defaults true).
-exportscale [1.0 to 1000000.0] Sets an overall scale factor (defaults to 1.0).
-exportmeshes[+|-] Exports all meshes found in the scene (defaults true).
-compressvertexdata[+|-] Compresses vertex component data, including normals, binormals, tangents, and texture coordinates (defaults false). Positions, colors, bone weights, and bone indices are never compressed.
-computevertextangents[+|-] Compute and export tangent and binormal vectors for each mesh vertex. Vertex tangent spaces are computed using DirectXMesh library (defaults false).
-tangentsindex [ 0 - 7 ] Sets which texture coordinate set to use when computing tangent spaces (defaults to 0).
-exportbinormals[+|-] Exports binormal vectors for each mesh vertex (defaults true). If computevertextangents or exportnormals are FALSE, this option has no effect.
-compressednormaltype [ float3 | ubyte4n | short4n | float16_4 | rgba_snorm | rgba_10 | r11g11b10 | rgba_s10 ] Specifies the compressed vertex element type used for mesh vertex normals, binormals, and tangents (defaults to float16_4).
Note that use of
, andr11g11b10
requires a scale and bias (*2 - 1
) in the vertex shader for the normal, tangent, and/or binormal.rgba_s10
is only supported on Xbox One.
-exportnormals[+|-] Exports normal vectors for each mesh vertex (defaults true).
-exportcolors[+|-] Export vertex colors (if present) (defaults true).
-vertexcolortype [ bgra | rgba | float4 | float16_4 | rgba_10 | r11g11b10 ] Specifies the vertex element type used for mesh vertex colors if present (defaults to bgra).
-force32bitindices[+|-] Forces index buffers to always use 32-bit indices, even if the vertex count is less than 65,535 (defaults false).
-maxuvsetcount [ 0 - 8 ] Specifies the maximum number of UV sets to be exported with each mesh (defaults to 8). Specifying 0 for this parameter omits all texture coordinates from mesh vertex data.
-exportboneweights[+|-] Exports bone weights and bone indices for each mesh vertex, given that the input mesh contained skinning data (defaults true).
-forceboneweights[+|-] Always exports bone weights and bone indices for each mesh vertex (defaults false). If an input mesh does not contain skinning data, a default weighting of 100% bone 0 will be generated for each vertex.
-fliptriangles[+|-] Flips the triangle winding from that specified by the input mesh topology (defaults true).
The default of this settings assumes you are using clockwise (CW) face winding (i.e. you are backface culling counterclockwise (CCW) faces using
set toD3D11_CULL_BACK
set to FALSE).
- -invertvtexcoord[+|-] Inverts the V texture coordinates ( computes 1 - V ) in all texture coordinate data (defaults true).
The default of this setting assumes the pixel origin is in the upper-right (Diret3D) rather than lower-right (OpenGL).
- -flipz[+|-] Flips the z coordinate of positions and normal (defaults true).
The default of this setting assume you are using left-handed view coordinates.
applyglobaltrans[+|-] Applies the global transformation to vertices on export (defaults to false). This option is not used if -exportanimations+ is set.
-meshnamedecoration [name] Appends the given string as a prefix to the name of each mesh.
-gadjacency[+|-] Use geometric rather than topographic adjacency (defaults to false which is topographic).
-optimizemeshes[+|-] Performs vertex cache optimization on meshes which reorders the index buffer for the pre-transform vertex cache, and reorders the vertex buffer for the post-transform vertex cache (defaults to false).
-optimization [ tvc | lru ] Selects the Hoppe transparent-vertex-cache optimization (TVC) algorithm vs. the Forsyth linear-speed optimization (LRU) algorithm for optimizemeshes (defaults to lru).
-vcache [0-64] Sets the vertex cache size for optimizemeshes when using the Hoppe TVC algorithm. Default is 12 which is considered device independent. If set to 0, performs a strip order optimization without simulating the vertex cache.
-restart [0-64] Sets the restart length for optimizemeshes when using the Hoppe TVC algorithm. Default is 7 which is considered device independent.
-cleanmeshes[+|-] Cleans up the mesh (defaults to true if using optimizemeshes, otherwise false).
-generateuvatlas [ -1 - 7 ] Generates a UV atlas for each mesh, and stores the atlas in the specified texture coordinate index. If the specified texture coordinate set is not present in the input mesh, a new set is created. If this value is -1, this feature is disabled (defaults to disabled). The exporter uses the UVAtlas library to generate the atlas data.
-uvatlasstretch [ 0.0 - 1.0 ] Specifies the maximum stretch factor when generating the UV atlas (defaults to 0.75).
-uvatlasgutter [ 0.0 - 10.0 ] Specifies the gutter size in texels when generating the UV atlas (defaults 2.5).
-uvatlastexturesize [ 64 - 4096 ] Specifies the square texture size when generating the UV atlas (defaults to 1024). This parameter is used with the gutter size to control atlas creation.
-uvatlaslfs[+|-] Enables the "limit face stretch" artist control option for isochart (defaults to false).
-uvatlaslms[+|-] Enables the "limit merge stretch" artist control option for isochart (defaults to false).
- -convertmeshtosubd[+|-] Treats all polygon meshes with the "smooth mesh" attribute as Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces (defaults to false). This option converts the meshes into mixed triangle and quad surfaces, processes the surfaces through an adjacency computation algorithm, and the output data is provided in a special mesh layout designed for the SubD11 sample.
-exportmaterials[+|-] Exports all materials found in the scene (defaults true). Uses the DirectXTex library for any texture processing.
-defaultmaterialname [name] Specifies the material name used by all materials in the output file (defaults to "Default").
-materialcolors[+|-] Exports material lambert diffuse, ambient, and emissive colors as well as phong specular color and power settings (defaults true).
-texturecompression[+|-] Uses texture compression when converting textures referenced by the scene (defaults true).
-texturebgra[+|-] When converting textures and not using compression, controls use of BGRA vs. RGBA formats (defaults to RGBA).
-ignoresrgb[+|-] Indicates if any sRGB metadata in the source texture (
, etc.) should be ignored(defaults true). -
-generatetexturemips[+|-] When converting textures generate mipmaps (defaults true).
-forcetextureoverwrite[+|-] Overwrites textures in the output path with freshly converted textures (defaults true).
-useemissivetexture[+|-] If there is no SpecularMapTexture property on an FBX material, the exporter will fill in with the EmissiveMapTexture name, if any (defaults to true).
-defaultdiffusemap [name] Sets the default diffuse map texture name (defaults to blank).
-defaultnormalmap [name] Sets the default normal map texture name (defaults to blank).
-defaultspecmap [name] Sets the default specular map texture name (defaults to blank).
-exportanimations[+|-] Exports all animations found in the scene (defaults true). Nodes animation data will not generate animation tracks.
-optimizeanimations[+|-] Performs animation key optimization on the captured animation data (defaults true). Animation optimization includes reducing constant tracks to a single key, and applying lossy compression based on the position and orientation quality settings
-renameanimations[+|-] Renames animation tracks to match the output file name (defaults true).
-animsamplecount [ 1 - 10 ] Specifies the number of sub-samples collected per animation frame (defaults to 1). For example, if this setting is 2, and the animation is authored at 30 Hz, the animation will be sampled at 60 Hz.
-positioncurvequality [ 0 - 100 ] Specifies the curve quality used during position curve optimization (defaults to 50). 100 is the highest quality, and 0 is the lowest quality.
-orientationcurvequality [ 0 - 100 ] Specifies the curve quality used during orientation curve optimization (defaults to 50). 100 is the highest quality, and 0 is the lowest quality.
-animationrootnode [name] Specifies the animation root node, used to trim away undesired track data from the final animation track set. By default, all animation tracks are included in the output file. If this parameter is set to the name of a specific node in the scene, only that node and its child hierarchy will be included in the animation track set. This option is useful for exporting animation tracks on a skeleton, while omitting track data from an animation rig that is parallel to the skeleton.
These options are only valid when using the XATG output file format.
-packmeshdata[+|-] Packs vertex buffer and index buffer data into a separate PMEM (physical memory) file that is referenced by the XATG file (defaults to true). PMEM files allow the vertex and index data to be loaded much more quickly.
-useexistingbundle[+|-] When bundling textures, this option uses an existing bundled texture file instead of re-creating the bundled texture file (defaults false).
-bundletextures[+|-] Instead of outputting separate .dds texture files, this option combines all textures in the scene into a bundled .XPR file (defaults true). This option requires the Xbox 360 Development Kit (XDK) to be installed in the default location.
All content and source code for this package are subject to the terms of the MIT License.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.
- Windows desktop apps
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 7 Service Pack 1
- Visual Studio 2019
DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 11
DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12
DirectXTKModelViewer for DirectX 11