the system maintained by integrant
- https://fomantic-ui.com/
- var ws = new WebSocket("ws://")
- https://github.com/sunng87/ring-jetty9-adapter
Ensure classes folder exist:
mkdir -p target/classes
clj -A:dev
(set! *compile-path* "target/classes")
;; => "target/classes"
(compile 'tethys.cli)
;; => {:ctrl :run}
(c-run :mpd-ref 0)
;; => ":mpd-ref.:conts.0.0.0"
;; ":mpd-ref.:conts.0.0.1"
;; ":mpd-ref.:conts.0.1.0"
;; ":mpd-ref.:conts.0.1.1"
;; ":mpd-ref.:conts.0.1.2"
;; ":mpd-ref.:conts.0.1.3"
;; ":mpd-ref.:conts.0.2.0"
clj -A:dev -m nrepl.cmdline --middleware "[cider.nrepl/cider-middleware]"
The connection port is stored in the file .nrepl-port
in pwd.
To connect to system with CIDER (Emacs) use M-x
cider-connect RET
CIDER will prompt you for the host and port information,...
clojure -M:docs
clojure -M:outdated
clj -X:hiera
kibana > Management > DevTools
PUT /tethys_log
Management > Kibana > Index Patterns
--> create index pattern
Q: Is it possible to configure higher timestamp accuracy to maintain logging order?
A: If you are interested in the relative order of events within the same JVM, then the easiest option is to sort by :mulog/trace-id
Here is how: Add field to index with script: