Customised UITextField and UITextView with HintLabel, ErrorLabel, Divider and validations
CustomInputTextField is a class to provide Android InputLayout functionality in iOS like HintLabel, ErrorLabel.
Supported build target - iOS 8.0 and above (Xcode 7.3)
CustomInputTextField requires ARC.
Add CustomInputTextField in your Project.
Drop UITextField in Storyboard or .xib and change it class to CustomInputTextField.
Change values of IBInspectable as per your requirement. You can change following custom properties to show hint, divider or error message.
hintTextColor hintActiveTextColor errorTextColor dividerColor hintFontSize errorFontSize errorText
To add InputAccessoryView on textFields give them tag greater than zero with increment for next textfield.
For validation change in your ViewController make reference of textfield and in viewDidLoad write below method:
textField.textValidationType = TextValidation.Empty
You can also write your own validation with following code:
let predicate = NSPredicate(format:"self.length > 8") // write custom predicate as per your requirement.
textField.customPredicate = predicate
textField.textValidationType = TextValidation.Custom
To validate text use below code:
let check: Bool = textField.validateText()
And done....
For UITextView there is additional IBInspectable propty "hintText" for placehodler. Set it to show placeholder on textView.
Inspiration from FahimF's FloatLabelFields project.