ROS node for tracking a person in point clouds from 3D LIDAR. The task is: given the data from a Velodyne sensor on a mobile robot, there is need to detect a person moving in the room.
Bag files for testing algorithm are awailable here.
Run ROS master:
Play rosbag:
rosbag play --clock velodyne_1_person.bag
Run rviz:
rosrun rviz rviz
Running velodyne_track_person node:
rosrun velodyne_track_person velodyne_track_person <options>
Options are:
- _h=true: Show help
- _res:= Octree resolution for the Octree change detector (side length of octree voxels)
- _noise:= Noise filter for the Octree change detector
- _mean_k:=<mean_k> Number of points to use for mean distance estimation in StatisticalOutlierRemoval noise filtering
- _std_dev_mul:=<std_dev_mul> Standard deviation multiplier threshold for StatisticalOutlierRemoval noise filtering
- _rad:= Correspondence grouping size
- _min_neighbors:=<min_neighbors> Minimum number of neighbors for RadiusOutlierRemoval noise filtering