Install-Package wrappify
####create new instance
RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration = new RequestConfiguration(Host, Port, Scheme);
//or initialize 'HttWrap' Wrapper library
//IHttpWrapper httpWrapper = new HttWrapWrapper(requestConfiguration);
IHttpWrapper httpWrapper = new HttpWrapper(requestConfiguration);
ISpotifyClient spotifyClient = new SpotifyClient(httpWrapper);
####if you need to access personal data, you have to set and access token
####call methods
User user = await spotifyClient.GetCurrentUserProfileTest();
User user = await spotifyClient.GetUser("username here");
Paging<Playlist> playlistPaging = await spotifyClient.GetAUsersPlaylists("username here");
Track track = await spotifyClient.GetATrack("3g0XVm6ZTWHbtTTfKhmMo7");
####Authorization Code Flow
PS: You need to know Authorization Code Flow click here for more info