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This application aims to help local car dealerships maintain their automotive inventory. The group wanted to create an innovative application that renders a spectrum of security for different levels of users.
As an employer for a car dealership, I need a web application database that allows me to access my car inventory. When I enter the site, I see a nicely structured layout of a page with a dashboard and login form. Then, when I access the login with a managers credentials, I am able to view in the dashboard to add, edit, and delete cars/car categories. When I login as a mid level employee, Then I am able to view all car models in the dashboard with no ability to add, delete, and edit the inventory's contents. When I login as regular employee, Then I am able to only view current cars in stock. When I am done with the inventory session and choose to logout, Then I am taken back to the homepage and securely logged out of the application.
JavaScript, Node.Js, Express.Js, MySQL2, Sequelize, Handlebars, bcrypt, Bootstrap, dotenv, Heroku & nodemon.