Xamarin periodic table repo, this periodic table will include most of the Xamarin components present in the Xamarin Universe
What we are trying to achieve is something like this image, but with contents exclusively related to Xamarin.
Once the list is finalized we will convert it to an image, and that would be showcased in the Xamarin Universe, website.
If you have any other component in mind which we should add or consider, please clone the repo, add the changes and make a pull request to the dev branch. We will review and proceed accordingly.
This the raw list which we have curated till now, feel free to add a subpoint or a section all together.
- C#
- F#
- VS
- Android
- iOS
- GTK#
- MacOS
- Tiezen
- VS App center
- Azure DevOps
- LiveXAML
- XAMLator
- Gorilla
- Live Reload
- MSBuild
- Xamarin Forms
- Xamarin Native
- Xamarin Native Forms
- .NET Standard
- Shared project
- .Net Standard + Shared (Mixed)
- Zeplyn
- Inc to code
- Syncfusion
- Telerik
- Infragistics
- Grial
- MicroCharts
- OxyPlot
- Prism
- MvvmCross
- MVVMLight
- FreshMVVM
- ReactiveUI
- Caliburn.Micro
- Xamarin profiler
- Xamarin Inspector
- UI Sleuth
- SQLite
- Realm
- Azure Storage
- Akavache
- CocosSharp
- UrhoSharp
- MonoGame
- MS Learn (Xamarin University)
- The Xamarin Show
- Xamarin Microsoft docs
- Weekly Xamarin
- Planet Xamarin
- SkiaSharp
- Xamarin Podcast
- Gone mobile
- Merge Conflict
- Mono.Android
- Mono.Touch
- Xamarin Evolve
- Monkeyconf
- Xamarin Universe
- Xamarin Essential
- mFractor
- Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms charles petzolds