Tip: You can read this tutorial in my blog: Tutorial: Using TDD with Riot+mocha+chai
TDD using mocha+chai to test Riot tags. Riot is a React- like user interface library http://riotjs.com. Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework https://mochajs.org/ Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library http://chaijs.com/
You can read the tutorial, or just install the repo.
git clone https://github.com/vitogit/tdd-mocha-chai-riot
cd tdd-mocha-chai-riot
npm install
And then just npm test
to run the tests.
This is a simple tutorial about how to setup an environment to do TDD (Test driven development) using karma+mocha+chai to test Riot tags and their properties and functions.You are going to need the last version of Node. Download it from here https://nodejs.org/en/download/
We are going to use ChromeHeadless because we need to test the DOM, so an easy setup is to use Karma to run the test.
Create a new folder called tdd-mocha-chai-riot and generate the package.json file like this
mkdir tdd-mocha-chai-riot
npm init
npm init
will generate the package.json file, it will ask you for some info, use the defaults values. Then edit package.json and add the devDependencies (this is how it will look https://github.com/vitogit/tdd-mocha-chai-riot/blob/master/package.json)
"devDependencies": {
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"karma": "^3.0.0",
"karma-chai": "^0.1.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^2.2.0",
"karma-mocha": "^1.3.0",
"karma-mocha-reporter": "^2.2.5",
"karma-riot": "^2.0.0",
"mocha": "^5.2.0"
Or also you can execute this:
npm install chai karma karma-chai karma-mocha karma-mocha-reporter karma-chrome-launcher karma-riot --save-dev
npm install riot
Then we need to create a new file to config Karma, create a new file karma.conf.js with this content
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '',
frameworks: ['mocha','chai','riot'],
plugins: [
files: [
pattern: 'node_modules/chai/chai.js', watched: false
preprocessors: {
'**/*.tag': ['riot']
browsers: ['ChromeHeadless'],
reporters: ['mocha'],
failOnEmptyTestSuite: false,
singleRun: true
Then edit the scripts section from the package.json file, so when we run npm test
or npm run test
it will start karma and execute the tests.
"scripts": {
"test": "karma start"
Each step in the tutorial is related to a commit https://github.com/vitogit/tdd-mocha-chai-riot/commits/master so you can see the changes.
Let’s setup our first test, create a test folder, create a hello-spec.js file and copy this code
describe('Hello world spec', function() {
Try npm test
(or npm run test), to see if karma is running fine, you should see
V 0 tests completed
I added failOnEmptyTestSuite: false in the karma.config.js file because by default Karma returns an error if you have an empty test.
Our goal is to create a tag that prints Hello {name} inside a H1 tag. So to write the test, the first thing we need to do is to create a tag in the dom called ‘hello’. We just use this line
var html = document.createElement('hello')
and then we are going to append that node to the body document.body.appendChild(html)
and mount it, like this riot.mount('hello')
This is going to return an array of tags. Since we just added one, we are going to write this to get the mounted tag:
tag = riot.mount('hello')[0]
Then we will check if the tag exist (not undefined and not null) with the mocha method expect(tag).to.exist
So the test code will look like this
describe('Hello world spec', function() {
it('mounts a hello tag', function() {
var html = document.createElement('hello')
tag = riot.mount('hello')[0]
Run the test again npm test
, and of course it will fail with expected undefined to be truthy
So we need to create the tag. To do so, we create a new ‘src’ folder and a hello.tag file with this content:
Run npm test
again, and it will pass. So we completed the first TDD iteration.
Now that we know that the tag exist we can add also this expect(tag.isMounted).to.be.true
to check if it was mounted, because riot tags have a isMounted property. In general it’s not recommended to have two expectations in the same test, but as we are testing the same behavior I think it's fine . You can read more here http://betterspecs.org/#single . We can update the expectation description to “mount a hello tag” to describe exactly what we are testing.
The next goal is: given a name parameter, print Hello {name}. We need a property called name, so we can pass it as a parameter (when mounting) and write Hello {name}. Let's write a failing test like this
it('has a name property ', function() {
var html = document.createElement('hello')
tag = riot.mount('hello')[0]
Run the test and of course it fails. Let’s make it pass. Edit the hello.tag and write this:
this.name = ''
This way, Riot will know that our tag has a "name" property. Run the test again and it will work.
Now that we have confidence that the code is good, let's refactor it a little bit. As you can see we have duplicate code in our tests. Let’s use the mocha before hook, so it will only execute one time. Move the duplicate code to a before hook, editing the tests
before(function() {
var html = document.createElement('hello')
tag = riot.mount('hello')[0]
Run the tests again, and it should pass.
Our next goal is to mount the tag passing the name property. Let´s write the failing test
it('mounts a hello tag with a setted name', function() {
tag = riot.mount('hello', {name: 'Carl'})[0]
It will fail with: expected '' to equal 'Carl'
, so to make it work we need to use the "opts" functionality that Riot gives us. Just update the hello.tag like this
this.name = opts.name
Run the test again, and the last test pass, but the second test is not working. What´s happening? This shows why TDD is useful: when we introduce new functionality we can break the old code. So how can we fix this? It´s easy, the problem is that it’s expecting a string, but it’s undefined. So we change the code a little, so if opts.name is undefined then we use an empty string.
this.name = opts.name || ''
Run the test again and it should pass.
Running npm test
each time could be a little slow, so we can add autoWatch: true
to our karma.conf.js so it will rerun the test each time a file is modified. Also remove the singleRun: true,”
line. This will run the tests each time we save the files, so we can have a fast feedback loop when doing TDD.
Now if we ‘run test’ again, karma will wait for changes. Let´s edit a test just to confirm this. For instance, we can change the second expectation to expect(tag.isMounted).to.be.false
and then check the console. karma automatically run the test and shows the failing test. Let´s fix the tests again changing expect(tag.isMounted).to.be.true
and now all tests will pass.
Next, we want to show the Hello {name} inside a H1 tag, so let's write a new test and learn how to use the querySelector method.
it('prints <h1>Hello {name}</h1> ', function() {
tag = riot.mount('hello', {name: 'Carl'})[0]
var tagText = document.querySelector('hello > h1').textContent
expect(tagText).to.be.eq('Hello Carl')
As you can see we are using document.querySelector('hello > h1').textContent
. This will search for a h1 tag inside a hello tag and get the textContent. We don't need to run the tests because it will run automatically and it will fail. So to make it work we edit the hello.tag like this.
<h1>Hello {name}</h1>
this.name = opts.name || ''
Now if you check the console all tests will pass.
We can also add functions to our tag and test those functions. Let’s write a simple test that call a custom function called uppercase and expect the name to be converted to uppercase:
it('transform the name to uppercase', function() {
tag = riot.mount('hello', {name: 'Carl'})[0]
We have a failing test in line 31, because uppercase is not a function of our hello tag. So let’s create it. We are going to add a new function called uppercase like this
this.uppercase = function() {
this.name = this.name.toUpperCase();
and now all tests will pass.
I hope you liked the tutorial. We learnt how to setup mocha+chai+karma to test riot tags, how to autorun the tests and how to test Riot tag's properties and functions.