This application is a cloned Flipkart Ecommerce Web App. Following are the some features of QuickEcart
- User can login/register with the application
- User can search the products
- Home will show all aggregated prducts from each category
- User will be suggested by products on Home page
- User can add/delete the Product to wishlist
- User can add/delete the product to cart
- User can make/cancel orders
- User can add/delete multiple Address
- User can manage profiles
- User can buy the products
- User can navigate the Products categories wise
- User can filter the product based on brand, size, color etc.
- User can also filter the product based on Sub categories
- User can navigate to Detail of Products
- User can give the rating to Product
- User can give review for product
- Django
- Python
- JS
- Heroku
- Python 3.X
- Open project folder and run the below command to install required libreries for Python django
pip install requirements.txt
python runserver