- This is a full-stack app that was originally inspired by Couchsurfing. I'm quite active on the app but since the app charges fees, I and many of my friends stopped using it and are looking for an alternative options.
- I want to build a free app which helps the traveler to plan their trips ahead, search for hosts by location where they want to travel in the future, send a request to stay in the host's accommodation for free, and chat with the host to understand each other and arrange the arrival/leave time or the meeting location. Then, the user can cancel the request if they could not make the trip and the host can accept or deny requests from travelers.
- JavaScript
- Axios
- Express JS
- Node JS
- React
- MongoDB
- Material UI (MUI)
- Mongoose
- Heroku
- Cloudinary
My Profile:
- Edit Profile
- Create a new trip
- Edit a trip
- Delete a trip
- List trips
- Add a couch
- Edit a couch
- Delete a couch
- Requests
- Messages
View Others Profile:
- See profile details
- See couch
- See trips
- Send a request message => inbox
- Send a message => inbox
- Search by location: Find Hosts, Find Travelers => List User =>
[My Profile]
- View Profile: /profile/me => /profile/:id
- View trips: /profile/me/trips => /profile/:id/trips
- View couch: /profile/me/couch => /profile/:id/couch
[Others Profile]
- View Profile: /profile/:id
- View trips: /profile/:id/trips
- View couch: /profile/:id/couch
- Create a new trip: POST /trips/
- Edit a trip: PUT /trips/:id
- Delete a trip: DELETE /trips/:id
- Create a new couch: POST /couches/
- Edit a couch: PUT /couches/:id
- Delete a couch: DELETE /couches/:id
- Sign Up - As a user, I would like to be able to create a new account.
- Login - As a user, I would like to be able to login so that I can write some lines to introduce myself, create my future travel plan as well as describe my home.
- Logout - As a user, I would like to log out of my account so that no-one will have access to it and redirect to the login or sign up page.
- Landing Page - As a user, I would like to be welcomed by randomly beautiful travel scene images, inspiration quotes and further information providing the user with a "sneak peek" to what the website is about.
- Profile Page - As a user, I would like to be able to see my profile with all details. I also can easily either edit any information on my profile or delete it, which includes my travel plan and my home description.
- My Travel Plan - As a user, I would like to be able to create a travel plan with details, view all of my travel plans that I have created and to be able to edit/delete them.
- My Home - As a user, I would like to be able to describe my home with more details, upload photos and later on I can view, edit or delete it.
- Search Page - As a user, I would like to be able to search for hosts by country or city. I can access the host's profiles, send them requests to stay, text them something as messages.
- Message button where the user can access and check their messages or requests history.
- Send Message need to be real-time and easy to access and check. Search Hosts/Travellers buttons where the user can switch between these buttons and look on purpose (be a host or looking for hosts).
- Local Hosts and Upcoming Visitors options on the landing page need to be separated.
- Add Friend feature where the user can connect with people.
- Write Reference where the user can leave the review after hosting or being hosted by others.
- Hangout feature where the user can spontaneously ask others to hangout within the location where they are in.