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villekf edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 52 revisions
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Below is an explanation on what the various main-files and major functions do and what do the different parameters mean.

This file contains all the device, sinogram, GATE output data and reconstruction properties. This also corresponds to the named main-files (e.g. Inveon_PET_main.m) with the exception that they allow also list-mode data to be loaded.


The first section contains the device parameters and is included in both files. These include (name in parenthesis is the MATLAB variable name):

Blocks per ring (blocks_per_ring) = This is the number of "blocks" in your scanner on each (transaxial) ring. If you have cylindrical PET geometry, then this should be the number of R-sectors/modules per ring. For ECAT it is the number of blocks/R-sectors. If you need more help, see the included example (# R E P E A T R S E C T O R).

Linear multiply (linear_multip) = The axial repeat number in GATE. See the example on how this compares with the GATE macros (# R E P E A T M O D U L E). For non-GATE it is the number of blocks in axial direction.

Transaxial multiplier (transaxial_multip) = Transaxial repeater repeat number in GATE. For non-GATE data this is the number of times above blocks per ring needs to be multiplied to get the total number of blocks per ring. This value should be unnecessary when you use measured (non-GATE) data.

Crystals per block, transaxial direction (cryst_per_block) = The number of crystals on the transaxial side of each block. In the example the crystals are in 8x8 grids meaning this value is 8.

Crystals per block, axial direction (cryst_per_block_axial) = The number of crystals on the axial side of each block. In the example the crystals are in 8x8 grids meaning this value is 8. Using 20x10 blocks would mean this value would be 10.

Crystal pitch x/y-direction (cr_p) = Crystal pitch in the x- and y-directions. I.e. the distance between the centers of adjacent crystals.

Crystal pitch z-direction (cr_pz) = Same as above, but in z-direction.

Bore diameter (diameter) = Diameter of the scanner bore. I.e. distance between perpendicular crystals.

Transaxial field-of-view (FOVa_x) = Transaxial field-of-view (x-direction), i.e. the reconstructed image location.

Transaxial field-of-view (FOVa_y) = Transaxial field-of-view (y-direction), i.e. the reconstructed image location.

Axial FOV (axial_fov) = Same as above, but in axial (z) direction.

Pseudo rings (pseudot) = The number of pseudo rings. Use 0 or [] if none.

Detectors per ring (det_per_ring) = Number of detectors per ring without pseudo detectors. Can be automatically determined as in the example.

Detectors per ring w/ pseudo detectors (det_w_pseudo) = Same as above, but with pseudo detectors included. Since pseudo detectors are usually included in each detector block, you can determine this number by adding +1 to crystals per block. E.g. options.det_w_pseudo = options.blocks_per_ring*(options.cryst_per_block + 1);

Total number of rings (rings) = Number of crystal rings. Can be computed automatically.

Total number of detectors (detectors) = Can be automatically determined.

Machine name = The name of your scanner. Used for naming purposes.


These apply only to gate_main.m.

Obtain trues (obtain_trues) = If this is set to true, then the true coincidences are extracted separately from the GATE data. In order to obtain trues with ASCII or LMF format data, you need to enable event ID and scatter counts in the output. See the example macro benchPET.mac. True coincidences will always exclude all randoms and Compton scattered coincidences in the phantom. Other types of coincidences (Compton in detector, Rayleigh) can be excluded as well by using options.scatter_components (see below). Both raw data and sinogram data can be obtained, with sinogram format being default.

Reconstruct trues (reconstruct_trues) = If this is set to true, then the true coincidences are used in the image reconstruction automatically. Requires an existing trues data file (sinogram or raw data).

Store scatter (store_scatter) = If this is set to true, then the scattered coincidences are extracted separately from the GATE data. In order to obtain scatter data with ASCII or LMF format data, you need to enable scatter counts in the output. See the example macro benchPET.mac. The user can specify which scatter components to include, see below. This data is not used for scatter correction. Both raw data and sinogram data can be obtained, with sinogram format being default.

Scatter components (scatter_components) = A vector for each of the FOUR available scatter components. GATE supports the following different scatter components: Compton scattering in the phantom, Compton scattering in the detector crystal, Rayleigh scattering in the phantom and Rayleigh scattering in the detector crystal. Each component can be enabled by setting the corresponding vector value to 1. E.g. If you would want both Compton and Rayleigh scattering in the phantom (but not in the detector crystal) set this as options.scatter_components = [1 0 1 0];. By default, all four are enabled. This variable only works if options.store_scatter = true. The number of scattered events can be controlled by the input number, e.g. if above is changed to options.scatter_components = [3 0 2 0]; then only Compton scattered events in the phantom that have scattered AT LEAST 3 times are included as well as Rayleigh scattered events in the phantom that have scattered at least 2 times. Furthermore, nowadays this variable can also be used to adjust the events stored in trues. Compton scattered events in the phantom are always excluded from trues (as well as randoms), but setting e.g. options.scatter_components = [0 0 0 0]; will include all other scattered events in trues except for the Compton scattered events in the phantom, while e.g. options.scatter_components = [1 1 1 1]; would exclude all scattered events from the trues.

Reconstruct scatter (reconstruct_scatter) = As with trues, when set to true then the scattered coincidences are used in the image reconstruction automatically. Requires an existing scatter data file (sinogram or raw data). Trues take precedence over scatter, i.e. if both this and trues are set to true, then only trues are reconstructed.

Store randoms (store_randoms) = If this is set to true, then the true random coincidences are extracted separately from the GATE data. In order to obtain scatter data with ASCII or LMF format data, you need to enable event ID in the output. See the example macro benchPET.mac. This includes all coincidences that do not share the same event ID. These counts are not used for randoms correction; delayed coincidences can be used for randoms correction. Both raw data and sinogram data can be obtained, with sinogram format being default.

Obtain source coordinates (source) = If this is set to true, then the source coordinates of all the coincidences are saved in separate variable(s) and stored in mat-file. These can then be used to form the original decay image. Separate matrices are created for all different cases (prompts, trues, scatter and randoms) if any of them have been selected. E.g. if store_trues = true, then the source image containing only the coordinates of the true coincidences are saved. Scatter and randoms are stored as singles, trues as coincidences (only one count at each coordinate) and prompts both as coincidences and singles.

Source coordinates obtained from LMF data can be unreliable.


use ASCII (use_ASCII) = True if you want to use GATE ASCII files as input data, false if you want to use LMF or ROOT.

Coincidence mask (coincidence_mask) = This is the ASCII coincidence mask used in GATE macros. Simply copy-paste the number part of the mask to MATLAB inside brackets. E.g. if /gate/output/ascii/setCoincidenceMask 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0, then options.coincidence_mask = [0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0];. If you have not used a coincidence mask, use an empty array (i.e. options.coincidence_mask = [];).


use LMF (use_LMF) = True if you want to use GATE LMF files as input data, false if you want to use ASCII or ROOT.

Number of header bytes (header_bytes) = How many bytes are dedicated for LMF header.

Number of event bytes (data_bytes) = How many bytes are at each event packet. Currently this can be at most 21 (time + detector indices + source indices + event indices + number of Compton in phantom) and has to be at least 10 (time + detector indices).

Number of bits used for R-sectors (R_bits) = How many bits in the 16-bit index packet are dedicated for R-sectors. This can be seen when the simulation starts.

Number of bits used for modules, submodules, crystal and layers (M_bits, etc.) = Same as above. Although submodules are not supported or used, they should use at least 1 bit.

Coincidence window length (coincidence_window) = Length of the coincidence window in seconds.

Source coordinates (source_LMF) = Are source coordinates obtained? Set to true if you want to save the "true" image. data_bytes needs to be at least 16 if this is set to true. data_bytes can be 16 even if this is false if source coordinates were saved during the simulation.

Clock time step (clock_time_step) = What is the clock time step. This should the clock time step from the cch-files. E.g. if clock time step is 1 ps (1e-12) in cch-files then this would be 1e-12.


use ROOT (use_root) = True if you want to use GATE ROOT files as input data, false if you want to use ASCII or LMF.


Image size in x-direction (Nx) = If the total image size is 128x128x63 then this is 128.

Image size in y-direction (Ny) = If the total image size is 128x128x63 then this is 128.

Image size in z-direction (Nz) = If the total image size is 128x128x63 then this is 63.

Flip image = Flips the image in vertical direction (before reconstruction, e.g. flips the detector coordinates).

Image rotation (offangle) = How much is the image rotated. This is performed before reconstruction and shifts the detector coordinates with the specified amount. Due to this, this should be a certain percentage of the total number of detectors on one ring (det_per_ring).


Use raw data (use_raw_data) = Set this to true if you want to use raw data, i.e. data that has not been compressed at all. This step requires its own precompute phase if options.precompute_lor = true. The raw data in OMEGA is formatted such that the saved measurement data is a vector formed from a lower triangular matrix. This lower triangular matrix is extracted from a matrix of size total_number_of_detectors x total_number_of_detectors. The matrix contains all the possible line of response combinations, e.g. between detector 1 and detector 3. Since the LOR between detectors 1 and 3 is the same as the LOR between detectors 3 and 1, the upper triangular part is added to the lower triangular part before the lower triangular part is extracted. The raw date is always saved in cell format, regardless of the number of time steps. Non-cell data should work, but cell data is recommended. TOF data is currently not supported with raw data.

Store raw data (store_raw_data) = If this is set to false, then raw data is not separately stored during data import (e.g. using GATE or Biograph list-mode data).

Ring difference (ring_difference_raw) = Maximum ring difference when using raw data.

Increasing data sampling (sampling_raw) = Increases the sampling rate of raw data. Setting this value to higher than 1 interpolates additional rows and columns to the raw data, e.g. with sampling of 2 the sizes of both dimensions are doubled. Interpolation method can be controlled with the below parameter. Has to be 1 or divisible with 2.

Sampling interpolation method (sampling_interpolation_method_raw) = Specifies the interpolation method used for increased sampling. All methods supported by interp2 are available.


Span (span) = The span factor (also called axial compression). The higher the number, the greater the compression of oblique LORs).

Maximum ring difference (ring_difference) = The maximum distance (in rings) from which oblique LORs are included.

Number of angles (Nang) = How many different angles (tangential positions) are in the sinogram. The angles depict the angle between the LOR and x-axis. Is mashing is used, this value should be the final sinogram size AFTER mashing.

Number of views (Ndist) = How many different views (angular positions) are in the sinogram. The views are the shortest (orthogonal) distance between the LOR and the origin.

Segment table (segment_table) = Oblique sinograms are divided into groups specified by the segment table. This value depends on the span value and can be automatically computed as in the example.

Total number of sinograms (TotSinos) = The total number of sinograms. Can be obtained by summing the segment table.

Number of sinograms used in reconstruction (NSinos) = Less sinograms can be used in the reconstruction process itself (e.g. only parallel LORs). This is an experimental feature. Only the N first sinograms can be used, e.g. you can’t pick only 100 last sinograms, but you can pick the first 100.

Distance side (ndist_side) = When Ndist value is even, then one extra view has to be taken either from the "negative" or "positive" side. With this you can specify whether this is from the "negative" (+1) or "positive" (-1). If you are unsure what value to use, use the default value. This varies from device to device. If you compare the sinogram produced by OMEGA to the scanner generated one and see a slight shift, then this parameter is most likely incorrect.

Increasing sinogram sampling (sampling) = The first dimension of the sinogram (views) can be increased with this value. For example setting sampling to 2, would double the size of the first dimension. The extra values are interpolated (see below). This can be used to prevent aliasing artifacts. Value should be either 1 or divisible by two.

Sampling interpolation type (sampling_interpolation_method) = Specifies the interpolation method used for increased sampling. All methods supported by interp1 are available.

Fill sinogram gaps (fill_sinogram_gaps) = If pseudo detectors are used, setting this to true will fill the gaps caused by them. Experimental feature.

Gap filling method (gap_filling_method) = What method is used to fill the gaps. Available methods are the MATLAB’s built-in fillmissing or alternatively inpaint_nans from file exchange. Must be in char format.

Interpolation method (fillmissing) (interpolation_method_fillmissing) = Which of the interpolation methods are used when using fillmissing for gap filling. See the help file on fillmissing for more information. Input is char, e.g. 'linear'.

Interpolation method (inpaint_nans) (interpolation_method_inpaint) = Which of the interpolation methods are used when using inpaint_nans for gap filling. See the help on inpaint_nans for more information. Input is a number.


Randoms correction (randoms_correction) = If set to true, then the delayed coincidences are stored during data load (GATE, Inveon and both Biograph data) and used for randoms correction during sinogram formation or image reconstruction. For other data, the user will be prompted for the randoms correction data when it is required. The data (mat-file) should then include a variable named SinDelayed (sinogram data), delayed_coincidences (raw_data) or be the only variable in the file.

Variance reduction (variance_reduction) = If true, performs variance reduction to randoms data before corrections. The variance reduction uses 3D fan sum algorithm [3].

Randoms smoothing (randoms_smoothing) = If true, performs smoothing to the randoms data before corrections. The smoothing is a fixed 8x8 moving mean smoothing. The window size can be adjusted in the original function randoms_smoothing. For sinogram data, the smoothing is done when the randoms sinogram is formed. Activating smoothing later and performing the corrections during reconstructions does NOT perform smoothing unless the sinogram formation step is done as well.

Scatter correction (scatter_correction) = If set to true, scatter correction will be performed during sinogram formation or image reconstruction. In all cases, the user will be prompted for the scatter correction data. The input data (mat-file) must include a variable named SinScatter (sinogram data), scattered_coincidences (raw data) or be the only variable in the file. In the first two cases, the data can be scatter data created by OMEGA from a different MC scatter correction simulation.

Scatter variance reduction (scatter_variance_reduction) = If true, performs variance reduction to scatter data before corrections.

Normalize scatter (normalize_scatter) = If set to true, performs normalization correction to the scatter correction data before the reconstruction phase. This phase is ignored if the corrections are applied directly to the measured data in which case it will be subtracted before the normalization correction.

Scatter smoothing (scatter_smoothing) = If true, performs smoothing to the scatter data before corrections. The smoothing is a fixed 8x8 moving mean smoothing. The window size can be adjusted in the original function randoms_smoothing.

Subtract scatter data (subtract_scatter) = If true, then the scatter data are subtracted from the sinogram/raw data or the forward projection, depending on whether the corrections are applied before reconstruction or during it. If false, the scatter data is instead multiplied with the sinogram/raw data or the system matrix elements. The multiplication case can be considered as the scatter data included in the system matrix itself as a diagonal matrix, where the input scatter data is placed on the diagonal.

Attenuation correction (attenuation_correction) = If true, performs attenuation correction during the reconstruction. You need attenuation images scaled to 511 keV for this. CT images can be scaled with the function attenuationCT_to_511 provided with OMEGA. DICOM CT images might automatically scale with create_atten_matrix_CT, but currently it has been tested only with one scanner. attenuation122_to_511 can be used to scale 122 keV blank/transmission data to 511 keV, i.e. GE-68 attenuation measurement.

CT UMAP attenuation (CT_attenuation) = INVEON ONLY! If set to true, uses the Inveon AW UMAP-files for the attenuation.

Attenuation datafile (attenuation_datafile) = Name of the data file containing the (scaled) attenuation images. Use full path if it is not on MATLAB/Octave path. This is required if the attenuation correction is applied. One exception is if you are using Inveon data and have an atn-file, you can then leave this one blank and will be asked separately to input the atn-data.

Compute normalization coefficients (compute_normalization) = If true and the main-file is run, then the input data will be used to compute the normalization coefficients. Currently supported normalization correction components are axial geometric correction (axial block profile and geometric factors), detector efficiency (fan-sum algorithm for both sinogram and raw data or SPC for raw data), transaxial block profile correction and transaxial geometric correction. Supports both raw data or sinogram data. Transaxial geometric correction is not recommended for objects that do not cover the entire FOV (or rather do not irradiate the entire FOV region). The corresponding function will output the corrected measurement data, the normalization matrix (multiplying this with the original measurement data gives the same corrected data) and each individual correction factors. Computation of the normalization coefficients follows the book [1]. Fan-sum algorithm, used in computing the detector efficiencies, can be found from [2].

Normalization options (normalization_options) = A vector representing all the four possible normalization correction steps that can be performed (see above). 1 means that the method is included, 0 that it is excluded. E.g. the default setting [1 1 1 0] computes axial geometric, detector efficiency and transaxial block profile corrections, but not transaxial geometric correction.

Phantom radius (normalization_phantom_radius) = If the source phantom is cylinder that is smaller than the FOV, input the radius of the cylinder here (in cm). For an object encompassing the entire FOV, use an empty array [] or inf.

Attenuation (phantom_attenuation) = Specify the attenuation coefficient of the phantom material used for normalization measurements. If no attenuation is needed then use an empty array []. If the phantom radius is inf, this value is ignored.

Scatter correction (normalization_scatter_correction) = If a phantom, that is smaller than the FOV, is used, compute the scatter correction for the data. Requires the above cylinder radius and only supports sinogram data. For GATE data it is recommended to use trues in the normalization correction in order to skip this phase.

Apply normalization (normalization_correction) = Once the normalization correction coefficients have been separately computed, turning this to true will enable them in the sinogram formation or in the reconstruction phase.

Apply user normalization (use_user_normalization) = If this is true, then the user will be prompted for the normalization correction data. This file can be either a mat-file with one variable (the normalization coefficients, such that normalized_data = un_normalized_data * normalization) or an Inveon PET .nrm-file. In the latter case, the file needs to be exactly as output by the Siemens software.

Arc correction (arc_correction) = Applies arc correction to the input sinogram data. For the interpolation method, see below. Works only when used without precomputation phase.

Arc correction interpolation (arc_interpolation) = Method used in the arc correction interpolation. All methods supported either by scatteredInterpolant or griddata are available. By default scatteredInterpolant is used, but if the method is not supported by it gridddata is used. griddata is also used if scatteredInterpolant is not found.

Apply corrections during reconstruction (corrections_during_reconstruction) = If set to true, then the corrections are applied during the reconstruction phase. I.e. uncorrected sinogram/raw data is automatically loaded and used in the reconstruction process. The corrections data is also automatically loaded (assuming it has been previously created). Smoothing and/or variance reduction are performed beforehand. This corresponds to the ordinary Poisson case. If set to false, then all corrections are applied to the measurement data (sinogram or raw data) before any reconstructions. All negative values are changed to zero, which can cause bias in the reconstruction.


Total time (tot_time) = The total time of the experiment (seconds). If you have a static experiment, use inf to load all the data regardless of the total time.

Number of time step (partitions) = How many time steps are in the dynamic case. Currently all time steps have equal length. Use 1 for static case.

Start time (start) = The start time for the data load (seconds). Any measurements before this time will be ignored and will not be loaded.

End time (end) = The end time for the data load (seconds). Any measurements after this time will be ignored and will not be loaded.


Total number of TOF bins (TOF_bins) = The total number of TOF bins in the TOF data file or, when using GATE data, also the number of TOF bins you wish to have in the saved data. Sinogram data ONLY.

Length of each TOF bin (TOF_width) = The width/length of each of the TOF bins (in seconds). Currently all TOF bins need to be of equal length. This value multiplied with the above TOF bins should be, at most, the size of the coincidence window.

TOF offset (TOF_offset) = Offset value (in seconds) for TOF data. In case your TOF bins are not centered in zero use this value to offset the values towards positive or negative bins. In the case of Biograph mCT and Vision this is automatically filled for the list-mode data. If using simulated GATE data, no offset is required in any case by default nor is this value used to offset the data (this has to be done manually currently if needed).

FWHM of the temporal noise/FWHM of the TOF data (TOF_noise_FWHM) = This value has two different purposes, first one applies to ALL data saved by OMEGA while the second only to GATE data. The first purpose is in naming the TOF data and thus also used when loading the data. In this case it tells the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the temporal (TOF) resolution of the data (in seconds). The second purpose is to add additional temporal noise to the GATE data with the specified FWHM (in seconds). This is recommended when you have not added any temporal blurring in GATE itself. If you have added temporal blurring in GATE, it is recommended to set this to zero unless you wish to add additional temporal noise.

FWHM of the TOF data (TOF_FWHM) = This is the FWHM of the TOF data (in seconds) used purely for reconstruction purposes and as such does NOT need to be the same as the above value. In fact in practically all cases the actual FWHM of the data should always differ from the above one. One way to determine the actual FWHM is to simulate a point source.

Number of TOF bins used in (TOF_bins_used) = This specifies how many TOF bins are actually used during the reconstruction phase. Currently this has to be either same as the total number of bins or 1 (in which case all TOF bins are summed together). In the future, this will allow TOF mashing.


Name (name) = Name of the experiment/simulation/whatever (char). Used for naming purposes.

Precompute necessary data (precompute) = If this is true, then some of the obligatory mat-files are computed that are required if the options.precompute_lor is set to true. Otherwise, there is no need to pass the precomputation step. All mat-files are saved in the mat-files folder.

Path to the input data (fpath) = This is the path to the folder where the input data is (char). All the files for the specified GATE output will be read. E.g. if you set use_ASCII to true, then from the folder specified by fpath, all the .dat files with Coincidences in them will be loaded, for LMF all .ccs files will be loaded and for Root all .root files will be loaded. If you use Windows, use the fpat value after ispc, otherwise the one after else.

Form only sinograms (only_sinos) = If this is set to true, then running the m-file only performs steps up to the sinogram/raw data formation. I.e. data is loaded and then the sinogram/raw data is formed. No reconstructions or precomputations will be done. Normalization coefficients, however, are computed if selected.

Skip data load (no_data_load) = This value can be used to control whether any data load steps are performed during the running of a main-file. If set to false, then no data will be loaded from the GATE ROOT/ASCII/LMF files or list-mode files. All other steps (precomputation, corrections, reconstruction, etc.) are still performed.

Precompute the observation/system matrix (precompute_obs_matrix) = Experimental feature. Setting to true computes the entire system matrix on one go and will most likely require a significant amount of memory (most likely over 100 GB). Supports only MLEM reconstruction. If set to false, then the system matrix is calculated on-the-fly (recommended).

Only reconstructions (only_reconstruction) = Setting this to true skips all other steps except the reconstruction phase. Precompute step is performed if options.precompute = true. All necessary data is loaded from the previously computed mat-files.

How many pixels a LOR traverses (precompute_lor) = When true, this option changes the reconstruction process quite radically. First, it requires its own precompute phase. Secondly, it affects greatly on how the system matrix is formed. With this option set to true, the number of pixels each LOR traverses is determined beforehand. For implementation 1 this allows for more efficient memory management, while with other methods the computational speed is improved, especially when using raw data (for sinogram data, setting this to true might actually cause slower reconstructions in certain cases). This step is HIGHLY recommended if you use implementation 1 as it is the only way to perform it with parallel computation. Improved Siddon’s algorithm with more than 1 ray is not supported when this is true.

Precompute everything (precompute_all) = This option causes the prepass phase to compute all mat-files even if they were not selected. E.g. if you use sinogram data, also all precomputations for raw data are done.

Status messages (verbose) = If this is set to true, then you will receive occasional status messages and also elapsed time of functions.



In OMEGA the different ways to compute the different algorithms and projections are referred to as implementations.

Implementation = This option determines how the reconstructions and the system matrix are computed. In all cases the system matrix is done through a mex-file (implementation 1 does have fallback non-mex system matrix formation method, but that is very slow).

If set to 1, then all the reconstructions will be done purely in MATLAB using nothing but MATLAB commands. Implementation 1 also supports all algorithms available. The system matrix is formed as an actual matrix in a mex-file and then output to MATLAB (when precompute_lor = true) or as sparse matrix indices (precompute_lor = false) which are used to form the sparse matrix itself. The latter option is NOT parallel and uses also more memory.

Implementation 2 is an OpenCL/ArrayFire reconstruction, and everything is done in a mex-file. This is a matrix-free method. In Implementation 2 both the system matrix creation and reconstruction are performed on the selected device. Supports all the same algorithms as implementation 1. AD-MRP prior behaves differently from implementation 1.

Implementation 3 uses pure OpenCL, i.e. doe not require ArrayFire libraries. This is a matrix-free method. Implementation 3, however, only supports OSEM and MLEM. Unlike implementation 2, implementation 3 does support multi-device computation. The multi-device computation consists using of multiple GPUs (from the same manufacturer) or using GPU + CPU combination (from the same manufacturer).

If set to 4, then all the computations are done parallel on the CPU by using OpenMP (if supported by the compiler). This is a matrix-free method. This implementation does not require OpenCL and should work on all CPUs. All CPUs/cores are used automatically. All algorithms except MRAMLA and MBSREM are supported. All priors are supported. Only one MLEM-based algorithm and one OS-based algorithm are supported (with one prior) at a time. E.g. you can have MLEM and OSL-OSEM with NLM, but not OSEM and OSL-OSEM.

In Implementations 2 and 3, the system matrix is created by using single precision numbers, meaning that it can be slightly inaccurate when compared to Implementations 1 and 4 that use double precision numbers.

On which implementation to select, see Recommendations.

Device (use_device) = This determines the device used in implementation 2 and the platform in 3. For implementation 2 the devices mean the actual devices available that are either CPUs, GPUs or accelerators, with GPUs usually being first in the list (0 should use always use your GPU if you have one). Use ArrayFire_OpenCL_device_info() to determine the devices you have and their respective number. For implementation 3, the platforms are divided by manufacturer. Same manufacturer can have multiple platforms, however, if you have multiple OpenCL runtimes installed. Use OpenCL_device_info() to see the available platforms and the devices included in each of them. In implementation 3, by default, all the devices associated with certain platform are used except devices that have less than 2 GB of memory. Single device can also be selected with the options.cpu_to_gpu_factor (see below).

64 bit atomics (use_64bit_atomics) = If true, then 64-bit atomic functions are used. This affects ONLY implementations 2 and 3. If your device does not support 64-bit atomics, the result will be equivalent to setting this to false (with slightly slower overall computations due to extra compilation). Intel hardware usually do not support 64-bit atomics, but AMD or Nvidia GPUs should. Setting this to false will cause slower computations if the 64-bit atomics are supported but can be slightly more reliable and accurate. This is recommended when using GPUs and OpenCL.

32 bit atomics (use_32bit_atomics) = If true, then 32-bit atomic functions are used. This affects ONLY implementations 2 and 3. This will give a further improvement to computation speed when using OpenCL (not supported with CUDA). However, numerical accuracy WILL be affected and reduced. You might also run into integer overflow issues causing further inaccuracies. Your reconstructions might also fail to converge. Use this only when speed is of utmost importance. Should give about 20-30% improvement in computation speeds.

Use CUDA = If true, uses CUDA code for implementation 2 instead of OpenCL. This affects implementation 2 ONLY. Running install_mex will automatically try to compile the CUDA code, but the CUDA kernels themselves are compiled at runtime (with nvrtc). Currently this is recommended only when using the improved Siddon as the projector. Orthogonal or volume-based ray tracer will most likely be slower than when using OpenCL code.

CPU to GPU factor (cpu_to_gpu_factor) = Affects only implementation 3. This variable has dual purpose. The first purpose is in heterogeneous computing by delegating more LORs to the GPU part. E.g. if this is set to 2, then the GPU will have 2x more LORs compared to the CPU. Another use is obtained by setting this to 0, when it will use only a single device from the platform. GPUs are prioritized with the GPU having the most memory chosen as the used device.


Projector used (projector_type) = Three different projectors are available for all implementations. These are the improved Siddon’s algorithm (1), orthogonal distance-based ray tracer (2) and volume-of-intersection based ray tracer (3). Implementation 1, when options.precompute_lor = false also has the original Siddon’s ray tracer (0). Orthogonal ray tracer allows for both 2.5D or 3D modes (see below). For some help on choosing the projector see Recommendations.

Use PSF = Setting this to true will apply point spread function to the reconstruction. This is equivalent to applying an image blurring matrix to the system matrix computation.

FWHM of the PSF (FWHM) = This specifies the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Gaussian blurring used in PSF. Separate values are available for all three different dimensions (x, y and z).

Use deblurring in PSF (use_deblurring) = This performs convolution deblurring to the PSF reconstruction AFTER the image reconstruction has fully completed. This is performed for all iterations. The number of iterations for the deblurring is the same as the number of subsets times the number of iterations.

Strip width (tube_width_xy) = Affects only orthogonal distance-based ray tracer. This is the maximum distance from the ray to a voxel center allowed in the projector in 2D (x- and y-directions). I.e. the width of the strip of response. If the below value is zero, then this value is used and the orthogonal ray tracer will be run in 2.5D mode. If the below value is non-zero then this value is ignored.

Tube width (tube_width_z) = Affects only orthogonal distance-based ray tracer. This is the maximum distance from the ray to a voxel center allowed in the projector in 3D (x-, y- and z-directions). I.e. the width and height of the tube of response. Only square tubes are allowed; if this is non-zero, any value in tube_width_xy is ignored.

Tube radius = Affects only volume-of-intersection based ray tracer. This is the radius of the tube of response, which is a cylinder in this case.

Voxel radius = Affects only volume-of-intersection based ray tracer. Relative voxel radius of the spherical voxels used in the projector 3. If 1, then the spherical voxel will be just large enough to completely contain the original voxel. Lower values cause smaller voxels while larger values give larges ones.

Number of transaxial rays (n_rays_transaxial) = Affects only improved Siddon’s algorithm when options.precompute_lor = false and using any implementation other than 1 (i.e. works with implementations 2, 3 and 4). This is the number of rays used in the improved Siddon in the transaxial dimension. Any number of rays can be used. The total number of rays is n_rays_axial * n_rays_transaxial.

Number of axial rays (n_rays_axial) = Affects only improved Siddon’s algorithm when options.precompute_lor = false and using any implementation other than 1 (i.e. works with implementations 2, 3 and 4). This is the number of rays used in the improved Siddon in the axial dimension. Any number of rays can be used. The total number of rays is n_rays_axial * n_rays_transaxial.

Accelerate reconstruction (apply_acceleration) = Affects only improved Siddon when TOF is enabled or orthogonal distance-based and volume ray tracers, in all cases only with implementations 2 and 3. If set to true, intermediate values are stored in memory. This accelerates the computations by about 30% when using orthogonal or volume-based ray tracers, but will lead to increased memory cost on GPUs. Can also cause CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY errors. Has less significance when using TOF data.


Number of iterations (Niter) = The number of iterations.

Number of subsets (subsets) = In subset methods, this value determines the number of subsets that the sinogram/raw data is divided into. Depending on the data type used (sinogram or raw), there are several different ways to select the subsets (see below subset_type).

Type of subset division (subset_type) = Six different methods, numbered from 1 to 6, to sort the measurements into subsets.

1 = Every nth column is taken in order (sinogram only), e.g. once the end of the column is reached, indexing starts from the first column again in the next row.

2 = Every nth row (both sinogram and raw data, default in raw data), once the end of the row is reached, indexing starts from the first row again in the next column.

3 = The measurements are taken randomly, by default uses randperm, but can use the file exchange Shuffle (see below) for faster speed and better memory use.

4 = Every nth column from the sinogram, takes an entire column and then jumps n columns to the next.

5 = Every nth row from the sinogram, takes an entire row and then jumps n row to the next.

6 = Uses n number of angles to form each subset. First the LORs are sorted according to the angle they create with the (positive) x-axis. Then n_angles (see below) angles are grouped together to form one subset. E.g. if n_angles = 2 then angles 0 and 1 form one subset, 2 and 3 another, etc. For 2D slices there will be a total of 180°/nangles subsets and 360°/nangles for 3D. This method is explained in [4].

7 = Uses golden angle sampling to select the subsets. Each sinogram uses the same number of angles and the same angles, the golden angle sampling is thus performed on single sinogram basis. The next angle is selected such that the difference is roughly the same as the golden angle (approx. 111.246°). Currently this subset sampling is supported only by sinogram data.

Number of angles (n_angles) = If the above method 6 is selected, this value is used to determine how many angles are used in one subset.

Initial value (x0) = The initial value of all of the reconstruction methods. In dynamic studies all the time steps have the same initial value.

Epsilon value (epps) = This small value is added to divisions to prevent division by zero.


Use Shuffle (use_Shuffle) = Whether the MATLAB file exchange code Shuffle is used. Applies only to subset_type = 3. Speeds up the pre-process a bit and also uses less memory.

Use FSparse (use_fsparse) = Whether FSparse is used. Only used if precompute_lor is set to false. Suggested only for MATLAB 2019b and earlier.

MRP-type prior without normalization (med_no_norm) = Normally MPR-type priors (MRP, FMH, L-filter, AD and weighted mean) are of the form (λ - Mb)/Mb. If this is set to true, then the denominator (normalization) is removed (i.e. (λ - Mb)/1).


Use MLEM/OSEM/etc. = When any of these are set to true, the specific algorithm is computed. This is dependent on the selected implementation. Separate sections are for the maximum likelihood-based methods, maximum a posteriori methods and priors. MAP methods require at least one prior and priors require at least one MAP method.

ACOSEM properties = Only the acceleration factor can be adjusted. See the original article for details.

MRAMLA/MBSREM properties = Relaxation parameter and the upper bound can be adjusted.

RAMLA/BSREM properties = Relaxation parameter can be adjusted.

ROSEM properties = Relaxation parameter can be adjusted.

DRAMA properties = Parameters α, β and β0 can be adjusted. See [4], e.g. eq. (20).

Neighborhood properties = Adjust how many neighboring voxels are taken into account (Ndx, Ndy and Ndz). Used in MRP, quadratic prior, FMH, L-filter, weighted mean and NLM.

MRP properties = Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

Quadratic prior properties = Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

Custom weights can be input. The weights vector should be of size (Ndx*2+1) * (Ndy*2+1) * (Ndz*2+1) and the middle value inf.

L-filter properties = Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

Custom weights can be input. The weights vector should be of size (Ndx*2+1) * (Ndy*2+1) * (Ndz*2+1) (middle value is NOT inf).

If custom weights are not given, the options.oneD_weights determines whether 1D (true) or 2D (false) weighting scheme is used. In 1D case, if (Ndx*2+1) * (Ndy*2+1) * (Ndz*2+1) = 3, = 9 or = 25 then the weights are exactly as in literature [5]. Otherwise the pattern follows a Laplace distribution. In 2D case, the weights follow Laplace distribution, but are also weighted based on the distance of the neighboring voxel from the center voxel. For Laplace distribution, the mean value is set to 0 and b = 1/sqrt(2). The weights are normalized such that the sum equals 1.

FMH properties = Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

Custom weights can be input. The weights vector should be of size [Ndx*2+1, 4] if Nz = 1 or Ndz = 0 or ´[Ndx*2+1, 13]´ otherwise. The weight for the center pixel should also be the middle value when the weight matrix is in vector form. The weights are normalized such that the sum equals 1.

If custom weights are not provided, then the options.fmh_center_weight parameter is needed. Default value is 4 as in the original article [6].

Weighted mean properties = Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

Custom weights can be input. The weights vector should be of size (Ndx*2+1) * (Ndy*2+1) * (Ndz*2+1).

If custom weights are not provided, then the options.weighted_center_weight parameter is needed. Default value is 4 as in the original article [6]

TV properties = Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

options.TVsmoothing is a "smoothing" parameter that also prevents zero in square root (it is summed to the square root values). (variable β in [7] eq. 11 and [8] eq. 13).

If options.TV_use_anatomical = true, then an anatomical prior is used in TV regularization. options.TV_reference_image is the name of the file containing the anatomical reference images (image size needs to be the same as the reconstructed images). The reference images need to be the only variable in the file.

options.TVtype controls the type of TV regularization used. For TVtype = 1 see [7], TVtype = 2 [8] and TVtype = 3 [9]. If no anatomical prior is used, then type 1 and 2 are the same. Type 3 uses the same weights as quadratic prior.

options.T is the edge threshold parameter in type 1 (variable C in [7], see e.g. eq. 8), scale parameter for side information in type 2 (variable γ in [8], see eq. 13), weight parameter for anatomical information in type 2 (variable η in [9], see eq. 11).

options.C is the weight of the original image in type 3 (variable δ in [9], see e.g. eq. 11).

All TV types are isotropic.

MRP-AD properties = In MRP-AD, the median filtered image is replaced with anisotropic diffusion smoothed image. I.e. if MAD is the anisotropic diffusion smoothed image, the prior is (λ - MAD)/MAD. Using this with implementation 1 requires the Image Processing Toolbox. This prior does not work on Octave.

Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

options.TimeStepAD is the time step for the AD filter (implementation 2 only). More information here.

options.KAD is the conductivity/connectivity parameter. More information here and here.

options.NiterAD number of iterations for the AD smoothing part.

options.FluxType is the flux/conduction type. Available methods are Exponential (1) and Quadratic (2). E.g. options.FluxType = 2 uses quadratic.

options.DiffusionType is the diffusion type (implementation 2 only). Available methods are Gradient (1) and Modified curvature (2). E.g. options.DiffusionType= 2 uses modified curvature.

APLS properties = Using asymmetric parallel level sets requires the use of anatomic prior. Without anatomical prior it functions as TV types 1 and 2.

Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

options.eta is a scaling parameter in regularized norm (see variable η in [8]).

options.APLSsmoothing is a "smoothing" parameter that also prevents zero in square root (it is summed to the square root values). Has the same function as the TVsmoothing parameter (see [8] eq. 9).

options.APLS_reference_image is the name of the file containing the anatomical reference images (image size needs to be the same as the reconstructed images). The reference images need to be the only variable in the file.

TGV properties = Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

options.betaTGV is the first weighting value for the TGV (see parameter α1 in [10]).

options.alphaTGV is the second weighting value for the TGV (see parameter α0 in [10]). Weight for the symmetrized derivative.

options.NiterTGV number of iterations for the TGV smoothing part.

NLM properties = Regularization parameters for all MAP-methods can be adjusted.

options.sigma is the filtering parameter (see parameter h in [11] or σ in [12], eq. 6).

The patch radius is controlled with parameters options.Nlx, options.Nly and options.Nlz. The similarity is investigated in this area.

The strength of the Gaussian weighting (standard deviation) of the weights can be adjusted with options.NLM_gauss.

If options.NLM_use_anatomical = true then an anatomical reference image is used in the similarity search of the neighborhood. Normally the original image is used for this. options.NLM_reference_image is the name of the anatomical reference data file. The reference images need to be the only variable in the file.

If you wish to use non-local total variation, set options.NLTV = true. This overwrites the MRP selection (see below). All other NLM options apply.

NLM can also be used like MRP (and MRP-AD) where the median filtered image is replaced with NLM replaced image. This is achieved by setting options.NLM_MRP = true. This is computed without normalization ((λ - MNLM)/1). All other NLM options apply.


In this section, the user will be prompted to load the scatter correction data if options.scatter_correction = true. The function used is loadScatterData.


Here you can input custom detector coordinates. These enable the use of non-cylindrical devices or continuous detectors (e.g. CPET in GATE). Transaxial coordinates are specified as options.x and options.y while axial are options.z (or alternatively options.z_det). Simply save your custom coordinates to the specified x, y and z variables in the options struct. For sinogram data, the x and y sizes should be [sinogram_elements 2] and z [number_of_sinograms 2]. For raw data [detectors_per_ring 1] and [number_of_rings 1], respectively. It is also possible to use pure event-by-event list-mode reconstruction with custom coordinates. In this case each event should have its own detector coordinates and as such each coordinate should be of size [total_events 2]. Currently only implementation 4 supports event-by-event reconstruction and it is also ONLY supported with custom detectors.


This section is commented by default, but can be used to specify a depth of interaction value (millimeters). By default this is set to 0, i.e. it is assumed that all the interactions occur at the surface of the detector crystals. What this value changes is the depth of where the interactions are assumed to occur, i.e. it only changes the detector coordinates such that the transaxial coordinates are "deeper" in the crystal. Having too large values can cause issues with the reconstruction.

This value does not affect custom detector coordinates.

Load measurement data

This function is for non-GATE data ONLY (main_PET.m).

The function loadMeasurementData allows you to load measurement data in different formats. Curently supported are MATLAB-data, NIfTI, Analyze 7.5, DICOM, Interfile, MetaImage, and binary data. Analyze requires Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image from MathWorks file exchange, NIfTI either image processing toolbox or Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image and DICOM support requires image processing toolbox on MATLAB and dicom package on Octave (untested on Octave).

Binary data can be of any type, but if binary data other than int32 is used, then it has to be specified. E.g. options = loadMeasurementData(options,'uint16') loads 16-bit unsigned integer data. If the binary data has a header of n bytes, it can be skipped by specifying the number of bytes (e.g. options = loadMeasurementData(options,'uint16', n). If the header is at the end of the file, using a negative value will ignore the last n bytes.

The data is saved in the options structure, either in SinM (sinogram data) or coincidences (raw data).

Raw data can only be used with MATLAB-data (mat-file).

DICOM data currently supports only 2D slices.

The user should also always check that the output measurement data looks correct (e.g. imagesc(options.SinM(:,:,30))).

These files computes how many voxels each LOR traverses. Different versions are available for double precision or single precision (OpenCL) and sinogram or raw data.

lor_pixel_count_prepass = computes the number of voxels each LOR traverses. This is needed when options.precompute_lor = true, however, if the file is not found the function is automatically called. Different image and sinogram sizes need their own files. Precomputing these variables gives faster reconstruction, especially with raw data. All data files are saved in mat-files folder

This file loads either the ASCII, LMF, ROOT or Inveon list-mode data into MATLAB/Octave. First goes through all the files and then saves them in the raw data format. Source images are saved if the corresponding values were set to true. Trues, scatter, randoms and delayed coincidences are saved if they were selected. The output data is in cell format, where each cell represent each time step. Static measurements have only one cell. The output order is coincidences, delayed coincidences, true coincidences, scattered coincidences and random coincidences, with 0 to 5 outputs possible.

If verbose is set to true, then the number of counts at each time step are also output.

Using ROOT data, as mentioned in readme, will cause MATLAB R2018b and EARLIER to crash during GUI activity. This can be prevented by using MATLAB in the -nojvm mode (i.e. matlab -nojvm), which means without any GUIs. It is recommended to use this only for data extraction (set options.only_sinos = true and run gate_main_simple.m). This issue is not present on Octave or MATLAB R2019a and up. ROOT is not supported on Windows on either MATLAB or Octave.

This file creates the sinograms. First the Michelogram is created and later the final sinograms. Lines 435 to 487 form the Michelograms. Separate sinograms are created for prompts, trues, scatter, randoms and delayed coincidences. If any corrections are done (and options.corrections_during_reconstruction = false) then also the raw, uncorrected, sinogram is saved. SinM contains the corrected sinogram, raw_SinM the uncorrected sinogram, SinTrues the sinogram of trues, SinScatter the scatter sinogram, SinRandoms the randoms sinogram and SinDelayed the sinogram of delayed coincidences. The sinograms are saved in the current working folder. Scatter, randoms and normalization correction can be done here.

For Inveon data, if options.use_machine = 2, the sinogram created by the IAW is loaded (user will be prompted for the location of the file). Scatter correction (using custom data or IAW created) and normalization correction (custom or IAW data) are supported. The user will be prompted for the scatter data always if options.scatter_correction = true and normalization data if options.normalization_correction = true and options.use_user_normalization = true. If normalization data was created with OMEGA, and options.use_user_normalization = false the data will be automatically loaded. Randoms correction is not performed as it has already been done.

Can alternatively be used to simply update the current sinogram with new corrections. This is achieved by inputting true after options, e.g. form_sinograms(options, true).

The main reconstruction file. Handles all the reconstruction implementations for all types of data. Outputs the reconstructed estimates in a cell-matrix with each cell being one of the algorithms used. If an algorithm/prior is not selected, the corresponding cell is empty. The last cell contains information that was input (e.g. sinogram size, regularization values, etc.). If you wish to know what algorithms the cell matrix contains, you can use algorithms_char function for that (e.g. alg = algorithms_char(); alg(~cellfun(@isempty,pz))).

This file is very similar to the gate_main.m and main_PET.m. However, it lacks the possibility for data load (has to be done with one of the other files). Included blocks are SCANNER PROPERTIES, IMAGE PROPERTIES, RAW DATA PROPERTIES, SINOGRAM PROPERTIES, CORRECTIONS, DYNAMIC IMAGING PROPERTIES, MIC PROPERTIES and RECONSTRUCTION PROPERTIES. The last one lacks any reconstruction algorithm related settings. The example shows how to compute OSEM estimates by using the forward and backward projections.

Forward projection is essentially y = Ax, where y are the measurements (e.g. sinogram), A the system matrix and x the current estimate. Backprojection is then essentially x = ATz, where z is user input vector. In the case of MLEM, z would be z = y/(Ax).

Forward projection

The forward projection is computed with forward_project.m.

Backward projection

The backprojection is computed with backproject.m.

This file can be used to test a custom gradient-based prior with any of the MAP algorithms in OMEGA. This file is similar to gate_main.m except that input data needs to be already in sinogram or raw data format. load_custom_data prompts the user to select a mat-file with the measurement data. In raw data case, the function looks for true_coincidences variable (if options.reconstruct_trues = true), otherwise coincidences. Sinogram case is similar, with SinTrues for trues and SinM otherwise. As an example, an MRP reconstruction is done. Only implementations 1 and 2 are supported. Both cases allow the use of multiple (or all) MAP methods. visualize_pet.m supports custom priors as well.

custom_prior_prepass needs to be run before the reconstructions.

Performs randoms/scatter variance reduction with the fan-sum algorithm.

Performs randoms/scatter smoothing. Currently fixed (symmetric) 7x7 moving mean smoothing.

Computes the normalization coefficients. First the axial block profile and geometric factors are computed. Second is the transaxial block profile, third the crystal/detector efficiency and lastly the transaxial geometric factors (crystal interference included). Outputs the corrected data, the normalization coefficient matrix/vector and all the individual coefficients. The coefficients are different depending on whether sinogram or raw data is used.

Detector efficiency is computed with fan-sum algorithm in sinogram format. Raw data also supports SPC (single-plane Casey) algorithm.

Scatter correction and attenuation correction are possible for cylinder sources.

Transaxial geometric correction can be unreliable when using sources that do not cover the entire FOV/sinogram FOV. Currently transaxial geometric correction is hardcoded to have an upper bound of 1. It is recommended to visualize the corresponding matrix or the normalization matrix.

Normalization with raw data should be used with slight caution as it may not work as well as the sinogram format.

Computes the indices of the current subset type.

Outputs the coordinates for the current method. Raw data uses raw detector coordinates, sinogram data the sinogram coordinates.

Computes the raw (non-sinogram) detector coordinates.

Compute the x- and y-coordinates (transaxial) of the sinogram bins.

Compute the z-coordinates (axial) of the sinogram slices.

Computes the raw (non-sinogram) detector coordinates for the multi-ray case.

Compute the x- and y-coordinates (transaxial) of the sinogram bins for the multi-ray case.

Loads up the correction data (attenuation, normalization, scatter and randoms).

Adjusts the data such that it is ordered as the selected subset type requires. Furthermore, removes unnecessary LORs from the measurement data when precomputed_lor = true.

This function checks for any potential errors in the input data or combinations that are not supported.

This function computes the attenuation image for the Siemens Inveon by using either the atn-file created by the IAW or the CT UMAP obtained from the Siemens Inveon CT. The latter requires options.use_CT = true.

This function outputs the system/observation matrix. Optionally in subset format. This matrix can then be used anywhere. Implementation 1 only. Hasn’t been extensively tested. All selected corrections are applied to the system matrix.

Outputs a string vector containing the abbreviated names of each of the algorithms output by the reconstructions_main.m. This function is used in visualize_pet.m to show the algorithms (and their numbers) contained in the output cell matrix. As such, you can use this function to output the names of the algorithms in the output cell matrix (e.g. alg = algorithms_char(); alg(~cellfun(@isempty,pz))).

Padds the input image (2D or 3D) symmetrically with its mirror image or alternatively with zeros. Similar to MATLAB’s paddarray with 'symmetric' or without any additional input, but doesn’t require image processing toolbox.

Various algorithm functions

All the algorithms for implementation 1 are also available as separate functions and can be found from the bottom of main_PET-file. These functions require the system matrix computed by the above observation_matrix_formation.m. These are only computed if options.single_reconstructions = true in main_PET.m.

This file contains some optional visualization options. You can plot a single reconstruction. Iterations from a single reconstruction. A group of different algorithms. The "true" image and a single reconstruction. The "true" image and several different reconstruction algorithms. 3D volume of one reconstruction by using the file exchange file vol3d v2. You can also select the view to plot (transverse, frontal or sagittal). Dynamic plotting is also supported.

In case the selected algorithm does not exist in the cell matrix (i.e. the cell is empty), you will see a list of algorithms and their numbers that the cell matrix does contain.

For more information on visualization see here.

Computes a 3D Gaussian kernel for the specified input standard deviation. Usage: gaussK = gaussianKernel(x, y, z, sigma) where e.g. x = -3 : 3.

Computes a 3D Gaussian kernel specifically designed for PSF computations. Usage: [gaussK, options] = PSFKernel(options).

Computes the deblurring phase of the PSF reconstruction. Usage vec = deblur(vec, options, iter, subsets, gaussK, Nx, Ny, Nz).

Computes the PSF blurring by using convolution. Usage: vec = computeConvolution(vec, options, Nx, Ny, Nz, gaussK).

Additional files that are included, but not used

This function allows you to save the reconstructed images created by OMEGA to a specified medical imaging format. Currently supported are NIfTI, Analyze 7.5, DICOM, Interfile, MetaImage and raw binary data without header.

DICOM support requires image processing toolbox on MATLAB and dicom package on Octave (untested on Octave). NIfTI requires either image processing toolbox OR Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image from MathWorks file exchange. Analyze requires Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image.

DICOM conversion currently does not support time-series data and also produces one image for each slice.

The OMEGA created pz cell matrices can be used as input. All non-empty cells are saved in a separate file. Saving a NIfTI format image would in this case work with saveImage(pz,'nifti'). Analyze support is enabled with analyze, DICOM support with dicom, Interfile with interfile, MetaImage with metaimage and raw with raw. Only one data type can be saved at a time.

Single 3D, 4D or 5D image can be used as input as well. 4D images are expected to be the same is in OMEGA, where the 4th dimension is the number of iterations (last iteration is always used). 5th dimension is considered as time in the non-cell case. The images need to be in the XxYxZ(xNiterxT) format. When using a single image, either the output filename or options struct has to be input. Saving voxel size in the output images requires options to be input in the non-cell case.

All file types use the same variable type as the input data (i.e. single (f32) precision when using the cell-matrix created by OpenCL methods) except DICOM which always uses double.

Same as above, but for sinogram format data. You can use either a XxYxZ(xT) sized sinogram or a cell matrix (where the cells are the time steps). I.e. simply inputting the output sinogram data created by form_sinograms.

Similar as loadMeasurementData.m mentioned earlier. Though in this case you input the file format type you wish to import and after running the function you will be prompted for the file. E.g. `output = importData('interfile');' will prompt you to selected an Interfile file (.img, .hdr, .h33 or .i33 file). In case an image file is input, the header file will be automatically loaded (assuming they have the same name).

The same file formats are accepted as previously (NIfTI, Analyze, DICOM, Interfile, MetaImage and raw binary). In the case of raw binary data, the user needs to specify the data type (e.g. 'single'), size of each dimension (up to five) and optionally the number of bytes to skip (i.e. possible header). The number of bytes to skip can be computed automatically if there are no header bytes also at the end of the file and the input dimensions match the entire measurement data on file. If the header is at the end of the file, use negative number.

The output matrix is of the same size and type as the input data. Orientation might differ from the original data. To use the data with OMEGA, it is important to have the correct orientation.

Saves the input image with the specified filename, variable type and properties as an Interfile image.

Saves the input image with the specified filename, variable type and properties as a MetaImage image.

Convert CT/HU values to 511 keV attenuation coefficients (i.e. convert CT images to PET attenuation images). Uses trilinear interpolation. Supports any kVp, though kVp values other than 80, 100, 120 or 140 are interpolated. This is based on [12].

Experimental file that automatically loads CT DICOM images and converts them to 511 keV attenuation coefficients. Tested only with one PET/CT scanner.

The regular Siddon’s algorithm written purely in MATLAB. Slow, but if you want some specific variables or just study the code, this might be useful. Includes ONLY attenuation correction.

The improved Siddon’s algorithm written purely in MATLAB. Otherwise same as above.

This code can be used to plot a Michelogram for the specified ring count, span amount and ring difference. Not all ring, span and ring difference combinations work.

This function can be used to visualize the raw data that is saved by load_data.m. Inputs are the raw data vector and the total number of detectors (i.e. options.detectors). E.g. visualizeRawData(options.coincidences{1}, options.detectors).

C++ mex code implementing the regular Siddon’s algorithm.

system_matrix_openCL.cpp &

C++ mex code for purely calculating the system matrix in OpenCL. Currently not included in the install_mex-file. Needs to be manually run from observation_matrix_formation_nongate.m though the current implementation is not that efficient memory wise (on host). Currently also hardcoded to use CPU. This is pure OpenCL code (i.e. no ArrayFire additions). Currently no version available for raw data. These files have not been updated since their initial release and as such are not guaranteed to work.

This function can be used to convert a binary image, PNG, BMP or TIFF image into Interfile or MetaImage format that is usable in GATE. Essentially this function can be used to convert the input image into a voxelized phantom. For help, see the either the function itself or help Voxelized_phantom_handle.m.

This function is essentially the same as the above one, but it is designed for voxelized sources. For help, see the either the function itself or help Voxelized_source_handle.m.


  1. Peter E. Valk, Dale L. Bailey, David W. Townsend, and Michael N. Maisey. "Positron Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice," Chapter 5, New York,Springer-Verlag, 2004.

  2. R. D. Badawi et al., "Algorithms for calculating detector efficiency normalization coefficients for true coincidences in 3D PET," 1998 Phys. Med. Biol. 43 189.

  3. R. D. Badawi et al., "Randoms variance reduction in 3D PET," 1999 Phys. Med. Biol. 44 941.

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