Tracks user and draws a path as the user location changes. This app is built using the PUBNUB for realtime updates and React Native for handling the frontend.
Read article posted on Medium
npm install
cd ios && pod install
react-native run-ios
react-native run-android
- iOS simulator has inbuilt dynamic location tracking debugging mode
- Go to
Debug > Location > Freeway Drive
- Android emulators doesn't have any in built feature to test the dynamic location changes
- You can use 3rd party apps to mock gps location apps. GPS Joystick was working fine for me
- If this repo is not working for you, I would suggest that you create your own react-native project
- Install react-native-maps using their installation guide
- Replace its App.js with this project's App.js
- Create new Google Maps API keys
- Go to and to get your keys for both iOS and Android.
- Replace them at their respective places
- Try giving it the location permission manually to the app by going to the device setting
If this project helped you reduce time to develop, please consider buying me a cup of coffee :)