TransactSQL function for encoding an Open Location Code (AKA Google Plus Code) from a Latitude and Longitude pair that you have in your database.
For the original code, see
For more information about Plus Codes see
After creating the function in the database and adding a new column PlusCode to my table, I ran the following query to fill in the values:
UPDATE Addresses
SET PlusCode = dbo.GetOpenLocationCode(Latitude, Longitude, default)
WHERE PlusCode is null
select dbo.GetOpenLocationCode(40.6892474, -74.0445405, default) -- Statue of liberty, expected result: 87G7MXQ4+M5
select dbo.GetOpenLocationCode(48.858260200000004, 2.2944990543196795, default) -- Eiffel Tower, expected result: 8FW4V75V+8Q