This application tracks a group of clients and its corresponding appointments.
The application starts with a login form, after a successful login, the application takes the user to the Main Menu where the user can select to view the current clients or active appointments. At the current clients' window, the user can 'Add', 'Modify' or 'Delete' clients. Deleting a client also eliminates all its corresponding appointments. At the active appointments window, the user can 'Add', 'Modify' or 'Delete' active appointments.
Version Notes *Windows Forms App *Static Multiple forms *Basic Input validation *Improved User Feedback *Records Logins to TextFile *Improved User Credentials Security
Data Source *Local Database (AppointmentManagementDB)
Improvements for future version *More strict input validations *Improve user feedback *Possibly migrate to WPF (instead of Windows Forms) for a more flexible UI *Create a single dynamic form app (instead of multiple forms) *Would like to implement some sort of API service (TBD)
Version Notes *Windows Forms App *Static Multiple forms *Basic Input Validation *Basic User Feedback *Records Logins to TextFile
Data Source *local Variables *BindingLists *Objects
Improvements for future versions *Implement a database for data source *User credentials security *More strict input validations *Improve user feedback *Possibly migrate to WPF (instead of Windows Forms) for a more flexible UI *Create a single dynamic form app (instead of multiple forms) *Would like to implement some sort of API service (TBD)
Login Form
Main Menu
Active Clients (Customers) Form
Modify Customer (Add Customer Similar)
Active Appointments
Modify Appointment (Add Appointment Similar)
Delete Customer (Delete Appointment Similar)