Our company was given CSV files :city_data.csv, ride_data.csv. Our team was able to provide our client: Visualize with several charts which includes box and whiskers plot, pie charts and line charts. Here we compared different areas ; Urban, Suburban and rural areas based on drivers count and fare and Ride count datas .
Data Source: city_data.csv, ride_data.csv Software: Python 3.7.7, Anaconda Navigator 1.9.12, Conda 4.8.4, Jupyter Notebook 6.0.3, (Matplotlib, Numpy)
Our Team was able to find that there are more drivers in Urban Area compared to Rural and Suburbans. The Rural area drivers seem to be earning ~= $55 almost 3 times compared to Urban area ~=$16.00. The Company PYBer has chared more in rural area assuming that there are less drivers available. looking at the pie charts, it appears that the biggest revenue for PyBer is from Urban area which is almost $40,000.00 compared to just $4000.00 and $20,000.00 in Rural and Suburban area respectively.
After Analysis on Line chart, it apprears that there was a huge hike in fare between the month of February and March in 2019. and a huge dip in the month of April around Suburban area.
Based on final chart we recommend to hiring more drivers around rural areas as the fare is much higher and seem to be in constant pattern throughout the year. Give some incentives to the drivers as more drivers will bring in more revenue given that the fare price will remain in same figure. PyBer should look into the reason to see why there is a hike in the rideshare during the month of februrary and march. This should definitely help to increase revenue.