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Emotive AI Agent Builder

The Agent Builder is a technical and UX demonstration of the emotional range of LLM-based chat agents. We've built a responsive web interface for visually constructing prompts, which connects to an OpenAI GPT-4 completion endpoint to return example messages in-character.

Ustwo Team

User Flow

+--------------------------------------------+       +-------------------------------------+
|  URL Entry:  |       | URL With Search Query ?agent=[0-3]  |
+----------------------|---------------------+       +-------------------------------------+
            |                                                  |
            |                                                  |
            |                                    For referring from Share Card
            |                                    Bypasses Landing and selects
    +-------------------------+                   agent type   |
    |                         |                                |                     +--------------------------+
    |  Creator Landing Page   |                                |         +-----------| Edit:                    |
    |                         |                                |         |           |                          |
    +-------------------------+              +------------------------------------+  |  Expands card to show    |
        |     |                              |                                    |  |  all possible parameters |-----+
        |     |                              | Card Selector Interface            |  |  for custom selection    |     |
        |     +-------------------------------                                    |  |                          |     |
        |         Start Button               |  - Choose Agent Type               |  +--------------------------+     |
        |                                    |  - Choose Emotional Parameters     |  +--------------------------+     |
        |                                    |                                    |  |                          |     |
        |                                    +------------------------------------+  |  Shuffle:                |     |
        |                                             |         |        |           |                          |     |
        |                                             |         |        |           |   Randomly chooses       |-----+
        |                                             |         |        +-----------|   three parameters       |
        |                   --------------------------+         |                    |                          |
        |                   |                                   |                    +--------------------------+
        |                   |                                   |
        |                   |                                   |
        |                   |                                   |
        |                   |                                   |
        |                   |               +---------------------------------------+
        |                   |               |                                       |
        |                   |               |  Radial Adjustment Interface          |
        |                   |               |                                       |
        |                   |               |    - Choose Intensity of Parameters   |
        |                   |               |    - Verify Generated Preview Text    |
        |                   |               |                                       |
        |                   |               +---------------------------------------+
        |                   |                                   | Shape Agent
        |                   |                                   |
        |                   |                  +----------------------------------+
        |                   |                  |                                  |
        |                   |                  |  Shape Creation                  |
        |                   |                  |                                  |
        |                   |                  |    - See constructed shape       |
        |                   |                  |      determined by parameters    |
        |                   |                  |                                  |
        |                   |                  +----------------------------------+
        |                   |                                    |
        |                   |                                    | Automatically Clears
        |                   |                                    | after animations
        |                   |                                    |
        |                   |              +-----------------------------------------+        Loads Separate Page
        |                   |              |                                         |        +--------------------------------------------+
        |                   |              |  Conversation Preview                   |        |                                            |
        |                   |              |                                         |        |   Share Card                               |
        |                   |              |    - Brief conversation with            |        |                                            |
        |                   +------------- |      generated agent                    | -------|    - Saveable and Shareable link           |
        |                    Restart       |                                         |  Share |      to summary card with agent details    |
        |                                  |    - Select pre-written conversation    |        |                                            |
        |                                  |      prompts or write custom            |        +--------------------------------------------+
        |                                  |                                         |                               |
        |                                  +-----------------------------------------+                               | Share
        |                                                       |                                                    |
        |                                                       | Chat with Me                 +-------------------------------------------+
        |                                                       +------------------------------|                                           |
        |  Create Your Own                                                                     |   Shared Card - URL with Search Query     |
        +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |                                           |


Emotive AI Agent Builder is written in Typescript and deployed to Netlify. The main entry for the application is gui.ts. The main classes of the application are as follows, roughly in order of appearance:

gui.ts — Main Entry

This is a classless script that handles UI element selections, transitions between pages, and search query parsing. Within it, instances of CardChoiceInterface, RadialPreview and Conversation are created and connected to the DOM for interaction. An instance of Prompt is created here, using the agent and parameter choices made in cardChoiceInterface and passed into shapePreviewInterface: RadialPreview, which then passes it along to conversationInterface: Conversation for use. This script does not directly make further adjustments to the prompt.

ChardChoiceInterface — cardSelector.ts

This class constructor takes no arguments and makes its own DOM selections. Each .card element selected from the DOM is mapped to an instance of Card (card.ts). CardChoiceInterface manages events that set the active card, and tracks the active selection for use by gui.ts when assigning the Prompt immediately before the transition to .page.two.

Card — card.ts

Card's constructor takes in an HTMLDivElement of a .card element within the selector interface, assigns it to this.cardRepresentation and selects elements within it from there. This class manages functionality of the edit and shuffle buttons, and holds references to which parameters have been chosen.

RadialPreview — radialPreview.ts

This class manages the appearance and functionality of the radial / pie-slice adjustment interface. Its constructor takes in a Prompt object and an HTMLDivElement of class .radial-interface selected by gui.ts, which is then assigned to this.container. Additional interface elements are selected within this class for the construction of the visual interface.

The setKeywords() and setupHandles() manage inital setup of the interface, iterating through prompt.parameters to activate the correct interface controls. While Prompt uses a 0-2 scale for its parameters: KeywordParameters, RadialPreview uses a 0-75 scale to allow for more responsive interactions with the UI.

setParameter(handle: HTMLDivElement) is called at the end of a pointer interaction to commit updates made to the parameters list, convert the scale, and assign it to the prompt.parameters object with updatePrompt(). It then calls promptWithParameters() to make a completion request from the LLM and update the UI with new preview text.

Prompt — promptBuilder.ts

Prompt manages the system prompt delivered to OpenAI, the Completion list that the LLM uses to generate new text from, and a makeLLMRequest(sender: string, outgoingMessage: string) function that makes HTTP requests to a Netlify serverless function that then interfaces with the OpenAI API.

ShapeGenerator — shapePreview.ts

This class draws a unique SVG shape onto the screen based on the promptParameters passed into the constructor. The constructor also takes an HTMLDivElement of the containing element, and a boolean value onShareCard, false by default, which scales the graphic differently when it appears on the share card.

Like RadialPreview, this feature uses a more granular 0-75 scale for the KeywordParameters in order to create a wider variety of unique shapes.

To find and draw points in the shape, a radial arrangement of colored gradient circles in the same order as the adjustment interface is selectively shown or hidden based on the chosen promptParameters. The center points of those "clouds" are calculated and then scaled along an axis to the centerpoint of the entire containing element based on the value of the associated parameter. Then, an SVGCircleElement is drawn at that location. Connecting lines are drawn between those calculated points. Connecting lines are also drawn between the calculated points and "tangent" control points selected separately from the DOM.

Conversation — conversation.ts

The constructor for this class takes in a Prompt, and manages textual interactions with the prompt in the conversation preview interface. The interface's inputs (initialQuestionCards ,inputTextBox and inputSendButton) and messageScrollArea are selected inside the class. Lists of initial questions to start preview conversations with different Agent types are stored in arrays and populated into .preselected-input-messages .message card elements when the class is constructed.

insertMessage(messageContent: string, user: boolean = false) populates an arbitrary string of text into the messageScrollArea with alternative styling for user-entered text. This is used both to directly mirror input text and also display generated text from the LLM. Generated text is retrieved by using getLastCompletion(role: string) when the HTTP request from OpenAI is received. The API works by appending a Completion object with a role and content to an array, and this function finds the most recent entry to display.

share.ts — Share Card Entry

This is a classless script that handles UI element selections and interactions on the share card page accessed at It fist looks for a valid URL query string, and will redirect to the main Agent Builder page if not found. It will then iterate through the query and populate information about the agent into the card.

The refer=1 query flags pages that are loaded from the "share" button in the last step of the Agent Builder, and shows a card with a large shape preview and a historical quote along with another "share" control. That "share" control creates a unique link that allows the agent to be replicated by another visitor to the site.


typeUtils.ts contains definitions of a few additonal types used throughout the app.

Agent (enum)

This type enumerates the four Agent jobs that can be customized.

Health = "Wellness Coach",
Financial = "Financial Adviser",
Sales = "Sales Representative",
Productivity = "Productivity Partner"

Emotions (enum)

This type enumerates the six emotional trait parameters and is used to iterate through iterface elements in multiple instances.

Assertive = "Assertive",
Compassionate = "Compassionate",
Curious = "Curious",
Excited = "Excited",
Optimistic = "Optimistic",
Playful = "Playful"

CompletionMessage (interface)

This is a definition of the completion object that OpenAI returns from its API.

role: string,
content: string

KeywordParams (interface)

This is an object that is a primary feature of Prompt and is reused in other areas of the interface to iterate through UI selections and map elements to prompt parameters.

assertive: number,
compassionate: number,
curious: number,
excited: number,
optimistic: number,
playful: number


Scripts within the /netlify/functions directory are executed by Netlify serverless functions as API endpoints using Node.js. The serverless functions comply with the Lambda format, which is understood by Netlify. The openai.js file handles requests to OpenAI's Completions API and is accessible at

Also the serverless function can be tested via Netlify CLI:

netlify functions:invoke openai --payload '{}'

Our OpenAI API(VITE_OPENAI_API_KEY) key is securely stored in Netlify and is accessed exclusively by this function.

ENV Variables

In order to keep the secret keys safe, we're using a .env file locally to set up the VITE_OPENAI_API_KEY, which is required for the OpenAI API to work properly.

URL Query Format

Sample query string: ?agent=0&as=0&co=0&cu=0&ex=0&op=0&pl=0&refer=0

  • agent: 0-3 mapped to Agent type
  • as: assertive 0-75
  • co: compassionate 0-75
  • cu: curious 0-75
  • ex: excited 0-75
  • op: optimistic 0-75
  • pl: playful 0-75
  • date: Month-0 date for quote
  • refer: 0 shared, 1 from creator


Testing and Validation

  • QA and design feedback is being tracked in this Miro board. All are welcome to provide comments.


  • Responsive style is being refined. Mobile is optimized, Desktop sizes are working and supported, smaller tablet sizes are still problematic.