A small Marionettejs component for uploading images with filepicker.
- You need to have an account and api key from Inkfilepicker in order to use this utility.
- Import the inkfilepicker js library as stated in their docs.
- Set the API Key that was assigned to you.
- Start the BBPicker Application.
- Create a callback that is executed when the file is uploaded successfully.
var callback = function(optionalArgs){
This callback will be passed the result from a successful upload. This contains the url of the file amongst other details. You can process this information within the callback (e.g. saving the url in a database).
- Render the view. You can either render directly unto a div:
var view = Backpicker.show(callback, context, options);
Or you can you render within a Marionettejs Layout:
var layout = new MyLayout();
var view = Backpicker.show(callback, this, options);
- You can also style the image placeholder by passing a 'className' value:
var view = Backpicker.show(callback, context, {className: 'someCssClass'});
## Requirements
* Nodejs
* npm
* gruntjs
# Development
1. Set up the dev environment after checking out the code:
$ npm install
The code is contained inside the src dir, and the specs inside spec dir.
Run the specs:
$ grunt spec
The specs are run with Testem and uses Jasmine.
- Clean compiled assets:
$ grunt clean
- Building
$ grunt build
Build files will be generated in /dist directory. It will have both a minified version and a development version.
Test the filepicker events. Currently I don't know how to simulate drag and drop or fake an event that will trigger filePicker.makeDropPanel(). Any help would be greatly appreciated.