Recipe Project, is a graduate project for the Java Backend Developer track.
An urge to cook something special is too hard to resist sometimes. But what if you lost the recipe? Or your beloved grandma is too busy to answer a call and remind you of your favorite cake recipe? Let's make a program that stores all recipes in one place. Create a multi-user web service with Spring Boot that allows storing, retrieving, updating, and deleting recipes.
Get to know the backend development. Use Spring Boot to complete this project. Learn about JSON, REST API, Spring Boot Security, H2 database, LocalDateTime, Project Lombok, and other concepts useful for the backend. This project is a part of the following track Java Backend Developer.
What you’ll do and what you’ll learn
Task Details
- First Recipe: Create a Spring Boot Project with Endpoints
- Multiple Recipes: Save and Delete recipes in memory
- Store a Recipe: Save and Delete Recipes from a database
- Sort & Update : Filter results with queries
- More Chefs to the table: Learn User Authentication and authorization