API for currency conversions in real time and historical usage trends - https://api-moneyexchange.herokuapp.com
Uses FireStore(NoSQL DB) for storing past conversions happened through this api and exchangeratesapi for getting latest exchange rates.
Tech stack:
- Node: Runtime
- Docker: Container
- Swagger: API specification and documentation
- Firestore: NoSql cloud database
- Jest, Chai: Testing
- TypeScript: Language
- Express: REST API
- Winston: Logging
- Morgan: HTTP Request logger
- Heroku: Cloud Deploymnet
- /convert: convert any money value from one currency to another.
- /usage: get recent history of conversions.
- /currency: get list of currency symbols along with full names.
cd money-exchange-api && npm install
npm run dev
- Start docker application
npm run docker-start
After starting the server, swagger is available at http://localhost:8080/api-docs/
Run npm run test
to execute tests with Jest