The scripts in this repository are designed to be run on a clean installation of the Spring 2015 edition of BCE:
- Spring 2015 (BCE-2015-spring.ova) (3.4GB)
- (MD5 integrity checksum: 3d26353b7969ebcee6755529ae0751fc)
Read the self-paced installation instructions for details:
The first time you run these instruction you will need to clone this repostory from GitHub to your BCE VM. Open a new Terminal in BCE and run these commands:
git clone
cd ph290-bce-2015-spring
bash update-ph290-bce-2015-spring
To get further system updates you can follow this manual procedure:
cd ph290-bce-2015-spring
git pull
bash update-ph290-bce-2015-spring
The demo requires the IPython Notebook, RStudio, and several hundred libraries for processing and analysis installed-- that all comes with BCE so you don't have to install it yourself!
To set up the demo, simply type:
bash demo-setup-for-bce-workshop
And then run IPython Notebook or RStudio and open the corresponding folder in your home directory.