Build Mesa/OSMesa on MinGW-w64 using AppVayor CI. The information below guides you through the steps to archive and upload the content you wish to build. The example uses an archive made from a git tag - i.e. 17.1 and writes the archived source to tar.gz file mesa-17.1.3.X.
- Clone and create:
$ git clone git://
$ cd mesa
$ git checkout 17.1
$ git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=mesa-17.1.3.X HEAD > mesa-17.1.3.X.tar.gz
- [Optional] Extract (to check contents...):
$ tar -xzvf mesa-17.1.3.X.tar.gz
- [Optional] Extract Specific Dir:
$ tar -xzvf mesa-17.1.3.X.tar.gz -C /tmp
- Commit archive
$ git add mesa-17.1.3.X.tar.gz
$ git commit -m "mesa-17.1.3.X MinGW build"
- Launch build (this step will initiate the AppVeyor build process)
$ git push -u origin master
- Notes:
Replace the 17.1 branch with master or any other branch as desired
Replace HEAD with tag or commit sha as necessary
Replace 17.1.3.X with your specified version string
$ git clone
$ cd osmesa_mingw_av
$ mesaversion=17.1.3.X
$ if ! test -d ${APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}/build/osmesa; then mkdir -p ${APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}/build/osmesa && echo 'folder ${APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}/build/osmesa created'; fi
$ if test -f ${APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}/; then chmod +x ${APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}/ && echo ' set to executable'; fi
see steps above and appveyor.yml
Command line options or environment variables used by this script:
- OSMESA_PREFIX: where to install osmesa (must be writeable)
- OSMESA_VERSION: mesa version (set to the latest version by default)
- LLVM_PREFIX: where llvm is / should be installed
- LLVM_VERSION: llvm version (set to the latest version by default)
- LLVM_BUILD: whether to build LLVM (0/1, default is 0)
- USE_SYSTEM_LLVM: if using system llvm libs (0/1, default is 0)
- MESA_BUILD: use when mesa already built but want to build other components (0/1, default is 1)
- GLU_BUILD: use to skip building glu - e.g. on MinGW builds (0/1, default is 0 for MinGW, otherwise 1)
- MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: minimum MacOSX SDK version (default is 10.8)
- OSX_SDKSYSROOT: specify the location or name of OSX SDK (0/, default is 0)
- MKJOBS: number of parallel make jobs (4 by default)
- IGNORE_DEMO: do not download, build and run the MESA demo (0/1, 0 by default)
- IGNORE_BUILD_DEMO: do not build the demo - e.g. when already built (0/1, default is 0)
- SILENT_LOG: redirect output and error to log file (0/1, default is 0)
- USE_SYSTEM_GLUT: if using system glut - e.g. freeglut for MinGW (0/1, default is 0)
- GLUT_BUILD: use to build glut - if not already built (0/1, default is 1)
- DEBUG: build debug version (0/1, default is 0)
- CLEAN: delete compiled source on recompile (0/1, default is 1)
- INTERACTIVE: manually review and accept options (0/1, default is 0)
- MANGLED: mangle mesa and glu (0/1, default is 1)
- OSMESA_DRIVER: default dirver :1-classic, 2-softpipe, 3-llvmpipe and 4-swr (1-4, default is 4)
- DEMO_MODE: disable all download and build logic used to test drivers (0/1, default is 0)
- DEMO_DRIVER: same option choices as OSMESA_DRIVER (1-4, default is 3)
options above can be edited directly in the script or from the command line an example using the command-line "env SILENT_LOG=1 LLVM_BUILD=1 ../"
Note: for OSX_SDKSYSROOT, do not include 'isysroot' on the command line - automatically added by the install script