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Add haggle benchmarks (#25)
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kquick authored Mar 27, 2024
1 parent a0ef5ba commit 98314ca
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Showing 2 changed files with 200 additions and 0 deletions.
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions bench/HaggleBench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Main ( main ) where

import Criterion.Main

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Bifunctor ( bimap )
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )
import qualified Data.Set as S

import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as FGL
import qualified Data.Graph.Haggle as HGL
import qualified Data.Graph.Haggle.Algorithms.DFS as HGL

-- | Generates a list of nodes and edges for a sample graph of the specified
-- depth (height). The root node will be 0, and every node will have "width"
-- children down to the desired depth. There are also some extra cross-level
-- edges added to keep things from being too regular.
mkEdges :: Int -> Int -> ([Int], [(Int,Int)])
mkEdges width depth = bimap unique unique $ go [0] 0
where go cur l =
if l >= depth then (mempty, mempty)
else let subStart i = if i == 0 then 1 else width ^ i + subStart (i-1)
subVals = [ subStart l .. ]
(subNs, subEs) =
fst $ foldr addToRoot ((mempty, mempty), subVals) cur
addToRoot r ((rnodes, redges), vals) =
let (thisSub, remSub) = splitAt width vals
thisEdges = (r,) <$> thisSub
in ((rnodes <> thisSub, redges <> thisEdges), remSub)
next = go subNs (l+1)
extra =
let esrcs = concat $ replicate width cur
etgts = [ t
| t <- drop l $ fst next
, t `mod` (width + 3) == 0 ]
in zip esrcs etgts
in (cur <> subNs <> fst next, subEs <> extra <> snd next)

mkFglGraph :: Int -> Int -> FGL.Gr Int ()
mkFglGraph depth width =
let (nodes, edgs) = mkEdges width depth
edges = fmap (\(s,d) -> (s,d,())) edgs
in FGL.mkGraph (zip nodes nodes) edges

mkHaggleDiGraph :: Int -> Int
-> (HGL.Vertex, HGL.VertexLabeledGraph HGL.Digraph Int)
mkHaggleDiGraph depth width =
let (_nodes, edges) = mkEdges width depth
g = fst $ HGL.fromEdgeList HGL.newMDigraph edges
Just v = vertexFromLabel g 0
in (v, g)

mkHaggleBiDiGraph :: Int -> Int -> (HGL.Vertex, HGL.VertexLabeledGraph HGL.BiDigraph Int)
mkHaggleBiDiGraph depth width =
let (_nodes, edges) = mkEdges width depth
g = fst $ HGL.fromEdgeList HGL.newMBiDigraph edges
Just v = vertexFromLabel g 0
in (v, g)

mkHaggleSimpleBiDiGraph :: Int -> Int -> (HGL.Vertex, HGL.VertexLabeledGraph HGL.SimpleBiDigraph Int)
mkHaggleSimpleBiDiGraph depth width =
let (_nodes, edges) = mkEdges width depth
g = fst $ HGL.fromEdgeList HGL.newMSimpleBiDigraph edges
Just v = vertexFromLabel g 0
in (v, g)

mkHagglePatriciaGraph :: Int -> Int -> (HGL.Vertex, HGL.PatriciaTree Int ())
mkHagglePatriciaGraph depth width =
let (nodes, edges) = mkEdges width depth
addNode g n = snd $ HGL.insertLabeledVertex g n
gnodes = foldl addNode HGL.emptyGraph nodes
addEdge g (s,d) = fromJust $ do sv <- vertexFromLabel g s
dv <- vertexFromLabel g d
(_,g') <- HGL.insertLabeledEdge g sv dv ()
return g'
pgraph = foldl addEdge gnodes edges
Just v = vertexFromLabel pgraph 0
in (v, pgraph)

vertexFromLabel :: HGL.HasVertexLabel g
=> Eq (HGL.VertexLabel g)
=> g -> HGL.VertexLabel g -> Maybe HGL.Vertex
vertexFromLabel g lbl = F.find labelMatch (HGL.vertices g)
labelMatch v = Just lbl == (HGL.vertexLabel g v)

unique :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
unique = S.toList . S.fromList

testFglDFS :: FGL.Graph gr => gr a b -> [FGL.Node]
testFglDFS g = let r = FGL.dfs [0,0,0] g in if null r then error "bad fgl dfs" else r

testHaggleDFS :: HGL.HasVertexLabel g
=> Eq (HGL.VertexLabel g)
=> Num (HGL.VertexLabel g)
=> (HGL.Vertex, g) -> [Maybe (HGL.VertexLabel g)]
testHaggleDFS (r,g) = HGL.vertexLabel g <$> HGL.dfs g [r,r,r]

testHaggleXDFS :: HGL.HasVertexLabel g
=> Eq (HGL.VertexLabel g)
=> Num (HGL.VertexLabel g)
=> (HGL.Vertex, g) -> [Maybe (HGL.VertexLabel g)]
testHaggleXDFS (r,g) = HGL.vertexLabel g
<$> HGL.xdfsWith g (HGL.successors g) id [r,r,r]

main :: IO ()
main = do setup
defaultMain [
bgroup "dfs" [
bgroup "nf" [
bench "fgl" $ nf testFglDFS g1f
, bench "haggle.di" $ nf testHaggleDFS g1hd
, bench "haggle.bidi" $ nf testHaggleDFS g1hbd
, bench "haggle.simplebidi" $ nf testHaggleDFS g1hsbd
, bench "haggle.patricia" $ nf testHaggleDFS g1hp
, bgroup "xdfs" [
bgroup "nf" [
bench "haggle.di" $ nf testHaggleXDFS g1hd
, bench "haggle.bidi" $ nf testHaggleXDFS g1hbd
, bench "haggle.simplebidi" $ nf testHaggleXDFS g1hsbd
, bench "haggle.patricia" $ nf testHaggleXDFS g1hp
-- , bgroup "whnf" [
-- bench "haggle.di" $ whnf testHaggleXDFS g1hd
-- , bench "haggle.bidi" $ whnf testHaggleXDFS g1hbd
-- , bench "haggle.simplebidi" $ whnf testHaggleXDFS g1hsbd
-- , bench "haggle.patricia" $ whnf testHaggleXDFS g1hp
-- ]
, bgroup "topsort" [
bgroup "nf" [
bench "fgl" $ nf FGL.topsort g1f
, bench "haggle.di" $ nf HGL.topsort $ snd g1hd
, bench "haggle.bidi" $ nf HGL.topsort $ snd g1hbd
, bench "haggle.simplebidi" $ nf HGL.topsort $ snd g1hsbd
, bench "haggle.patricia" $ nf HGL.topsort $ snd g1hp
, bgroup "scc" [
bgroup "nf" [
bench "fgl" $ nf FGL.scc g1f
-- , bench "haggle.di" $ nf HGL.scc $ snd g1hd
, bench "haggle.bidi" $ nf HGL.scc $ snd g1hbd
, bench "haggle.simplebidi" $ nf HGL.scc $ snd g1hsbd
, bench "haggle.patricia" $ nf HGL.scc $ snd g1hp
, bgroup "isConnected" [
bgroup "nf" [
bench "fgl" $ nf FGL.isConnected g1f
-- , bench "haggle.di" $ nf HGL.isConnected $ snd g1hd
, bench "haggle.bidi" $ nf HGL.isConnected $ snd g1hbd
, bench "haggle.simplebidi" $ nf HGL.isConnected $ snd g1hsbd
, bench "haggle.patricia" $ nf HGL.isConnected $ snd g1hp
setup = g1f
-- `deepseq` g1hd -- error: uninitialised element (from Vector)
-- `deepseq` g1hbd -- no instance for NFData
-- `deepseq` g1hsbd -- error: uninitialised element (from Vector)
`deepseq` g1hp
`deepseq` return ()

g1f :: FGL.Gr Int ()
g1f = mkFglGraph 4 5

g1hd = mkHaggleDiGraph 4 5
g1hbd = mkHaggleBiDiGraph 4 5
g1hsbd = mkHaggleSimpleBiDiGraph 4 5
g1hp = mkHagglePatriciaGraph 4 5
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions haggle.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,23 @@ test-suite GraphTests

benchmark haggleBench
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: HaggleBench.hs
hs-source-dirs: bench
ghc-options: -Wall -O2
build-depends: haggle
, base >= 4.5
, criterion >= 1 && < 1.6
, containers
, deepseq
, fgl >=
if impl(ghc >= 8.4)
buildable: True
buildable: False

source-repository head
type: git

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