Provides functionality to scan a codebase (any language) and create a interactive network graph based on imports. Each file forms a node, and each import statement creates and edge between two nodes. Node size corresponds to number of lines in the file.
Built around pyvis, docs:
from codeweb.network_builder import NetworkBuilder
from codeweb.import_parsing.styles.python_styles import python_import_styles
from import Network
# Create a new Network with desired settings
empty_network = Network(directed=True)
# Scan project directory and populate network, export to html
nb = NetworkBuilder(network=empty_network, import_styles=python_import_styles, ignore_external_imports=False)
populated_network = nb.create_network(project_path='.')'example.html', notebook=False)
Only python is added by default, but this project is organized to make adding new languages relatively straighforward. To use codeweb on other languages, you just need to use the ImportStyle class (import_parsing/
An ImportStyle provides functionality for detecting import statements and parsing them.
For examples, see import_parsing/styles/ and import_parsing/parsers/
To tweak graph settings, configure the pyvis Network object before passing it to NetworkBuilder