Central heating system and/or Hot water system using a Raspberry Pi and optionally an LCD touchscreen. This project requires at least one TMP102 to make a thermostat. Integrates with Google calendar or Django Schedule to find required temperature. Works with one or two Shelly Relays to make a complete boiler control system.
The file structure of this project is as follows:
This directory - Python scripts to move to /usr/local/bin
utilities - useful associated scripts, but may not be required in all cases.
init - init scripts to be moved to /etc/init.d/
icons - graphics used by thermostat_gui.py. Can be moved, but icon_dir in thermostat_gui.py will need updating.
bin - main utilities for running thermostat.
utilities/433PlanB - to be used in the event of redis/thermostat_gui.py dying.
Install i2c using raspi-config
sudo raspi-config
Select Advanced mode, enable i2c and then reboot
Most of the Work below can now be performed using make:
make install
The summary of all events in the calendar should be of the form
If using a Water calendar, then this should be off the form Water=On or Water=Off
Note that Django-Schedule has supplanted Google Calendar as the default. Uncomment line 88 if you wish to use Google Calendar.
The scripts to copy to /usr/local/bin are as follows:
Script | Description |
call_433.py | Makes redis calls to / from the redis server which maintains temperature states/ runs boiler. |
google_calendar.py | Grabs current temperature required from Google Calendar. |
processcalendar.py | Deprecated. Was used with django-schedule and is left here for future reference. |
thermostat_gui.py | Pygame binary to display data on screen and call all other libraries. |
calculate_temps.py | Pull in the data from the temperature sensors and calculates an internal and external mean |
Apache is protected by a username/password set in /etc/apache2/.htpasswd. This defaults to hotf/hotf.
Uses weather-util to retrieve weather info:
sudo apt-get install weather-util
Edit retreive_weather.sh (it is currently set to Leeds/Bradford airport):
sudo cp utilities/retrieve_weather.sh /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp utilities/parse_weather.py /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/retrieve_weather.sh
crontab -e
Add a line similar to the following to retrieve the weather for your location
13 0,6,12,18 * * * /usr/local/bin/retrieve_weather.sh