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Parsers of complex nested types in Zig generated at comptime!


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Create simple parsers in Zig at compile-time. Warning: Hacky and experimental.


  • pub fn Parser(comptime T: type) (fn (?*std.mem.Allocator, *std.mem.TokenIterator) Error!T): given a type, returns a parsing function that takes an optional allocator (only needed for slices and pointers) and an iterator. See 2nd example.
  • more experimental: ParserStr is identical, except that it doesn't need an iterator, but uses formatted structs -- structs that contain parsing information. The function returned returns not Error!T, but Error!Unformat(T). Unformat recursively converts formatted structs and types containing these into types containing no nested formatted structs.

Example taken (modified) from advent of code 2020, day 8:

test "AoC day8 (modified)" {
    const alloc = std.testing.allocator;
    const Opcode = enum {
    const Instruction = struct {
        opcode: Opcode,
        operand: ?i32,
    // Parser definition:
    // opcodes and operands are space-separated
    const PInstruction = Join(Instruction, " ");
    // there's an unknown number of instructions separated by \n
    const PInstructions = Join([]PInstruction, "\n");
    // name the data structure without formatting info
    const Instructions = Unformat(PInstructions);
    expect(Instructions == []Instruction);
    const parser = ParserStr(PInstructions);

    const raw_instructions =
        \\jmp +109
        \\acc +10
        \\jmp +18
    const parsed = try parser(alloc, raw_instructions);
    expect(parsed.len == 4);
    expect(parsed[2].opcode == .jmp and parsed[2].operand.? == 18);
    expect(parsed[3].opcode == .nop and parsed[3].operand == null);
Zig type Regex Grammar rule
u8, u16, ... [0-9]
str .*
enum { a, b, c } (a|b|c)
?T T?
[]T T*
[19]T T{19}
const X = struct { a: T, b: U } X -> TU
const X = union(enum) { a: T, b: U } X -> T | U

You can also parse recursive languages, for instance:

test "parser recursive base" {
    var alloc = std.testing.allocator;
    const LinkedList = struct {
        _0: Match("("),
        val: u32,
        next: ?*@This(),
        _1: Match(")"),

        pub fn deinit(list: *const @This(), alloc_: *std.mem.Allocator) void {
            // see src/chelar.zig
        pub fn sum(list: *const @This()) u32 {
            var acc: u32 = 0;
            var opt_cur: ?*const @This() = list;
            while (opt_cur) |cur| {
                acc += cur.val;
                opt_cur =;
            return acc;
    const parser = Parser(*LinkedList);
    const list = try parser(
        &std.mem.tokenize("( 3 ( 32 ( 5 ) ) )", " "),
    defer list.deinit(alloc);
    expect(list.sum() == 3 + 32 + 5);

The parser is a very naive recursive descent parser. There are major caveats:

  • does not deal with runtime errors (parsing errors) gracefully.
  • does not deal with compile time (errors of types). For instance, Join(u32, " ") should fail but doesn't.
  • numerous limitations when one creates types using Join, Match and Unformat.
    • These functions create types which are not named properly (they are named after the line of code where the type is described). This can make it hard to debug. See caveat type names.
    • Right now, Unformat will recur infinitely. Therefore, it cannot remove Match fields in the LinkedList above, for example. Similarly, I don't know how to stop a potential operator like Wrap(T, match_left, match_right) from recursing infinitely (when T occurs in T as a pointer).
    • @Type doesn't support creation of type with decls, as proposed here (#6709). See caveat functions in structs.


  • A new operator on types Wrap(T, '{', '}')? See caveats.
  • Proper error handling
  • Comptime verbose mode
  • Serialization


Parsers of complex nested types in Zig generated at comptime!








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