- Route66 is a lightweight embeddable HTTP server. Written in C++11 (or C++03 w/boost).
- Route66 is handy. Support for CRUD, MIME and wildcard routing.
- Route66 is tiny. One header and one source file.
- Route66 is cross-platform.
- Route66 is zlib/libpng licensed.
take a look into route66.hpp header
- Tweak
environment variable to filter and display any incoming http request in runtime. - Requests matching wildcard patterns will be printed. Ie,
,*POST /form?*
, etc...
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include "route66.hpp"
int main() {
// create index route service
route66::create(8080, "GET /",
[]( route66::request &request, std::ostream &headers, std::ostream &contents ) {
headers << route66::mime(".html");
contents << "<html><body><a href='/hello'>#</a></body></html>";
return 200;
} )
// create hello world route service
route66::create(8080, "GET /hello*",
[]( route66::request &request, std::ostream &headers, std::ostream &contents ) {
headers << route66::mime(".text");
contents << "hello world!";
return 200;
} )
// create echo route service
route66::create(8080, "GET /echo*",
[]( route66::request &request, std::ostream &headers, std::ostream &contents ) {
headers << route66::mime(".text");
contents << request.url;
return 200;
} )
// do whatever in your app. notice that you could change any route behavior in runtime.
std::cout << "server ready at localhost:8080 GET(/, /hello*, /echo*)" << std::endl;
for( char ch ; std::cin >> ch ; )