The BCPKI-project (blockchain-PKI) establishes the blockchain as a root CA. The goal is to allow a payment protocol to:
- be all-bitcoin integrated
- not rely on centralized CAs
- allow for flexible certificates
BCPKI is not a payment protocol, but establishes a special kind of root CA that payment protocols may decide to use. There may be other applications besides payment protocols.
First, we have drafted a quite general specification for bitcoin certificates (protobuf messages) that allow for a variety of payment protocols (e.g. static as well as customer-side-generated payment addresses). This part has surely been done elsewhere as well and is orthogonal to the goal of this project. What is new here is the signatures under the certificates.
We have patched the bitcoind to handle certificates, submit signatures to the blockchain, verify certificates against the blockchain, pay directly to certificates (with various payment methods), revoke certificates. Signatures in the blockchain are stored entirely in the UTXO set (i.e. the unspend, unprunable outputs). This seems to make signature lookup and verification reasonably fast: it took us 10s in the mainnet test we performed (lookup is instant on the testnet, of course).
Payment methods include: static bitcoin addresses, client-side derived payment addresses (pay-to-contract), pay-to-contract with multisig destinations (P2SH)
Full-length real-world examples for all payment methods are provided in the tutorial pages. These examples have actually been carried out on testnet3.
For further details and specifications see the wiki: Technical.
install protobuf:
apt-get install libprotobuf-dev python-protobuf
cd src/bcert
cd ..
ln -s bcert.pb.cpp
continue as usual:
make -f makefile.unix
create directory for binary certificates:
mk ~/.bitcoin/testnet3/bcerts
mk ~/.bitcoin/bcerts
the python command line tools require:
pip install ecdsa
do not access blockchain:
- aliasdump : output all values associated with an alias name (normalization,hash,privkey,address,etc.)
- importticket : import derived keys from a given base address and a given ticket number (pay-to-contract)
access blockchain:
- bcverify : verify arbitrary signatures for a given alias, in particular verify certificates
- bclist : list all signature values for a given alias
commit transaction (testnet only):
bcsigncert : sign a given certificate under a given alias name
sendtoalias : send money directly to alias (certificate must be available locally) this can handle various methods such as static bitcoin address, pay-to-contract with single or multiple basekeys.
spendoutpoint : spends a given outpoint (txid,vout) to a self-owned address
commit transaction (testnet only):
- bcsign : sign given values under a given alias name
If you want to use the RPCs bcsigncert, sendtoalias, spendoutpoint and bcsign on the mainnet then you have to uncomment the calls to rpc_testnetonly() throughout rpcbcpki.cpp.
- aliasnew
- aliasget
under src/bcert
- : conversion functions between secrets, EC points, pubkeys, ids and bitcoin addresses
- : wrapper around, parsers/conversion functions for certificates (binary, ascii, hexdump, yaml, etc.)
command line tools:
- : generate binary protobuf certificates from yaml
- : convert binary protobuf certificate to various forms (pretty-print, ascii armored, hexdump, hash digest, etc.)
The python code builds upon the file from the electrum client. Everything under src/bcert is GPLv3.
added object:
- bcert.o
- alias.o
- bcert.pb.o
- rpctojson.o
- rpcbcpki.o added libs
- protobuf
- getnewaddress and dumpprivkey have new optional bool argument
- new RPCs
- gettransaction outputs more raw data
- depends on rpctojson.h
- dumpprivkey accepts optional bool argument to output secret in hex format
- importprivkey also accepts secret in hex format
unchanged? copied snippets from here to elsewhere
- GetFirstMatch
- GetFirstMatch
- CKey::SetSecret(vector) overloaded
- CKey GetDerivedKey(std::vector ticket) const;
- CWallet::SelectCoinsMinConf
- CWallet::SelectCoins setting fClear to false these functions now build upon the set of pre-selected coins that is passed as setCoinsRet and proceed as before, i.e. select more coins as required and a change address if required.
- alias.h .cpp
- bcert.h .cpp
- rpbcpki.cpp
- rpctojson.h .cpp
- bcert/bcert.proto