This module is a layer/layout manager for time based visualisations written on top of d3.js.
The module by itself doesn't accomplish much as long as you don't pass it in some visualisation layer or component.
This illustrates how you could use with a segment visualiser.
This library is under heavy development and subject to change.
Evert new API breaking change we will be adding snapshots to the repository so you can always fetch a working copy.
For an in depth explanation on the philosophy and usage of this library please refer to this blog post.
var graph = timeLine()
.xDomain([0, 100]);
Will be passed to a visualiser.
var data =
"start": 37,
"duration": 4,
"color": "#414FBA" },
{ "start": …},
{ "start": …}
var seg = segmentVis()
// we add layers like this
// we pass in the drawing method from our timeline object'.timeline').call(graph.draw);
This module is released under the BSD-3-Clause license.
This code is part of the WAVE project, funded by ANR (The French National Research Agency), ContInt program, 2012-2015.