This is the repository for the Election StatSheet 2019 Canadian election forecast. Hooray!
Current status: It's alive!
- /Canada-2019
- /Code
- /Data processing
- /Modeling
- /Data
- /Processed
- /Raw
- /2004 results
- /2006 results
- /2008 results
- /2011 results
- /2015 results
- /Demographics
- /Shapefiles
- /Output
- /Model graphs
- /Model testing
- /Shiny-app
- /Code
- Code: All scripts, including data processing, model building, simulation, etc.
- Data: Raw data downloaded from websites (see repo wiki). After processing, the processed versions are saved to the Processed directory. Also, shapefiles for creating maps.
- Output: Things generally for publication.
- Shiny-app: Everything to be deployed with the Shiny app.
Thanks are in order to:
- Imane Baitsa and Jérémie Darrieu at Statistics Canada for pointing me to some archived data sources on the StatCan website;
- Kaushik Mohan for his R Shiny assistance; and
- Gabriel Guzman for light QA on the Shiny app.