This project is a Chip 8 emulator (interpreter) written in Squeak Smalltalk.
The original goal of these project was to learn how to code a simple emulator in smalltalk.
- Make sure you have Metacello installed, running:
Installer ensureRecentMetacello.
- Load the project with:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Chip8';
repository: 'github://thiagoslino/Chip8-Squeak:master';
- Running a ROM
Chip8Presenter runProgram: '/path/to/rom/filename'.
The CHIP-8 had no specified clock speed, so we'll use a delay to control it. Different games run best at different speeds, so we can control it here.
A collection of public domain ROMs that can be used with this emulator can be found at:
The original Chip 8 had a keypad with the numbered keys 0 - 9 and A - F (16 keys in total). Without any modifications to the emulator, the keys are mapped as follows:
Chip 8 Keypad | Keyboard Key |
1 2 3 C |
1 2 3 4 |
4 5 6 D |
Q W E R |
7 8 9 E |
A S D F |
A 0 B F |
Z X C V |
- Automatic ROMs download from Zophar
- Better morphic configuration (roms download button, etc...)