A CLI-based tool in Ruby for managing your social bookmarkings, because you're just looking delicious...
It supports Delicious OAuth 2.0, given that you already have your ACCESS_TOKEN.
See below for more information on how to get you one!
Currently supported API requests (through the DeliciousAPI wrapper):
- /v1/posts/all? for getting posts for a list of tags (i.e. ruby+delicious+api)
- /v1/posts/dates? for getting dates and counts for a tag
- /v1/tags/get for getting a list of tags and counts
Create a config.yml file containing your ACCESS_TOKEN and run bundle install.
$ echo >config.yml "ACCESS_TOKEN: YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
$ bundle install
$ ./yummy (posts|backup|tags|dates) [OPTIONS]
-t, --tags tag1+tag2+... Set list of tags (separated by '+') for posts
-n, --max MAX Set maximum number of tags/posts
-s, --start-date START_DATE Set start date for all API requests
-e, --end-date END_DATE Set end date for all API requests
-f, --format (json|yaml) Backup format
-h, --help Display this information
All dates must be provided in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
Get list of 100 recent posts for tag 'ruby' from '2014-01-01'
$ ./yummy posts -t ruby -n 100 -s 2014-01-01
Save backup of all posts
$ ./yummy backup
Get list of tags with most posts
$ ./yummy tags
Get list of dates and post counts
$ ./yummy dates
These instructions are based on Delicious'. Please feel free to report to it in case of difficulties or problems.
- Set a new app at https://delicious.com/settings/developer
- Get your Client ID and Client Secret
- Send a request to Delicious for users' authorization
- Exchange ACCESS_TOKEN with REQUEST_TOKEN returned to you in last step
Please note that step 5. needs to be done using a POST request. You can use the Firefox addon poster, hurl.it or any other tools you might like.
Finally, you cant test it with cURL
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" --url "https://api.delicious.com/v1/posts/all?tag=ruby&results=5"