Developed during Global Game Jam 2019.
- Fix man's animation in title screen
- Remove sliding during actions
- Add spark particles to joyful clothes
- Add fog particles to joyless clothes
- Lower open cloth
- Add closet animation
- Add box animation
- Add feedback for failure action for clothing
- Add arrows for points of interest
- Fix UV for plant pot
- Fix walking cycle animation
- Improve Input Screen UI
- Add wardrobes
- Add input carousel UI
- Add selected input UI
- Solve bug at input end
- Remove direct references to models
- Wardrobe
- Discard Box
- Cloth Pile
- Folding Table
- Plant Pot
- Add all 4 main controller buttons to possible inputs
- Fix error when bringing cloth to wrong interaction spot
- Remove previous balloons
- Add feedback when player can interact with interaction spot
- Add M button to Arrow keys asset and so on
- Improve joyless particle
- Smooth transition between scenes
- Add characters to end of input screen
- Check ESC behaviour during input screen
- Add interscenes music controller
- Add ESC to go back to title screen
- Add ESC label
- Add controller support to title screen
- Improve winning screen UI
- Add tecelation to open clothes
- Fix character height to match with table
- Add loading trigger in input screen end
- Fix lighting
- Create exit button
- Rebake lighting for all scenes
- Create tutorial
- Intro to controls
- Grab cloth
- Fold cloth
- Bring happy clothes to wardrobe
- Bring sad clothes to box
- Deplete pile and greet to win
- Create generic tweener
- Tween esc text in game screen
- Tween esc text in input screen
- Solve cloth flickering when walking (STILL HAPPEN?)
- Improve launcher banner
- Create stage selection screen
- Create more stages