Ruby API ti handling with clinical examinations.
- Docker
- Ruby
- Sinatra
- Rspec
- Redis
- Sidekiq
- Make sure docker is properly installed on your machine
- Clone repository:
git clone
- Enter into de app folder:
cd rebase-challenge-2022-
- Finally, type:
docker-compose up
The application gonna be ready to use when you see the follow text in your terminal:
ruby | * Puma version: 5.6.4 (ruby 3.1.2-p20) ("Birdie's Version")
ruby | * Min threads: 0
ruby | * Max threads: 5
ruby | * Environment: development
ruby | * PID: 1
ruby | * Listening on
ruby | Use Ctrl-C to stop
The load time may vary acoording your conection and storage speed.
With your appication up and running, open another terminal and just type:
docker exec ruby rspec
And you got the tests results.
- Show all Clinical Exams.
- Response example:
"id": "1",
"cpf": "048.973.170-88",
"name": "Emilly Batista Neto",
"email": "",
"birthdate": "2001-03-11",
"address": "165 Rua Rafaela",
"city": "Ituverava",
"state": "Alagoas",
"crm": "B000BJ20J4",
"crm_state": "PI",
"doctor_name": "Maria Luiza Pires",
"doctor_email": "",
"token_exam_result": "IQCZ17",
"exam_date": "2021-08-05",
"exam_type": "hemácias",
"exam_type_limit": "45-52",
"exam_result": "97"
"id": "2",
"cpf": "048.973.170-88",
"name": "Emilly Batista Neto",
"email": "",
"birthdate": "2001-03-11",
"address": "165 Rua Rafaela",
"city": "Ituverava",
"state": "Alagoas",
"crm": "B000BJ20J4",
"crm_state": "PI",
"doctor_name": "Maria Luiza Pires",
"doctor_email": "",
"token_exam_result": "IQCZ17",
"exam_date": "2021-08-05",
"exam_type": "leucócitos",
"exam_type_limit": "9-61",
"exam_result": "89"
- Show details from one Clinical Exam.
- Replace token by your token.
- Response example:
"token_exam_result": "IQCZ17",
"exam_date": "2021-08-05",
"cpf": "048.973.170-88",
"name": "Emilly Batista Neto",
"email": "",
"doctor": {
"doctor_name": "Maria Luiza Pires",
"doctor_email": "",
"crm": "B000BJ20J4",
"crm_state": "PI"
"tests": [
"exam_type": "ácido úrico",
"exam_type_limit": "15-61",
"exam_result": "2"
"exam_type": "eletrólitos",
"exam_type_limit": "2-68",
"exam_result": "85"
"exam_type": "glicemia",
"exam_type_limit": "25-83",
"exam_result": "98"
"exam_type": "hdl",
"exam_type_limit": "19-75",
"exam_result": "0"
"exam_type": "hemácias",
"exam_type_limit": "45-52",
"exam_result": "97"
"exam_type": "ldl",
"exam_type_limit": "45-54",
"exam_result": "80"
"exam_type": "leucócitos",
"exam_type_limit": "9-61",
"exam_result": "89"
"exam_type": "plaquetas",
"exam_type_limit": "11-93",
"exam_result": "97"
"exam_type": "t4-livre",
"exam_type_limit": "34-60",
"exam_result": "94"
"exam_type": "tgo",
"exam_type_limit": "50-84",
"exam_result": "87"
"exam_type": "tgp",
"exam_type_limit": "38-63",
"exam_result": "9"
"exam_type": "tsh",
"exam_type_limit": "25-80",
"exam_result": "65"
"exam_type": "vldl",
"exam_type_limit": "48-72",
"exam_result": "82"
- Import new results with CSV.
- Example to upload using Imnsonia:
- CSV header format:
cpf | nome paciente | email paciente | data nascimento paciente | endereço/rua paciente | cidade paciente | estado patiente | crm médico | crm médico estado | nome médico | email médico | token resultado exame | data exame | tipo exame | limites tipo exame | resultado tipo exame |
cpf;nome paciente;email paciente;data nascimento paciente;endereço/rua paciente;cidade paciente;estado patiente;crm médico;crm médico estado;nome médico;email médico;token resultado exame;data exame;tipo exame;limites tipo exame;resultado tipo exame
To access Sidekiq Panel access:
- localhost:3535