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Foreman Discovery Image

This is a small redhat-based image that boots via PXE into memory, initializes all network interfaces using NetworkManager and spawns small script called "discovery-register" via systemd. This script determines foreman URL either via DNS SRV or via kernel command line and uploads facts via Foreman Discovery plugin API.

The image has foreman-proxy installed with BMC API configured to "shell" provider. Upon request of Foreman, it reboots the node via /usr/bin/reboot command. To initiate the restart, use the following command:

curl -3 -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Length:0" -k -X PUT \


This README describes bare minimum steps to PXE-boot discovery image. The full installation and setup is described on the foreman_discovery plugin site:

To extract the tarball into the correct directory you can use this command:

wget \
  -O - | tar x --overwrite -C /var/lib/tftpboot/boot

Integrate it via the PXELinux templates in the Foreman application.

LABEL discovery
MENU LABEL Foreman Discovery Image
KERNEL boot/fdi-image/vmlinuz0
APPEND initrd=boot/fdi-image/initrd0.img rootflags=loop root=live:/fdi.iso rootfstype=auto ro rd.debug=1 acpi=force rd.luks=0 rd.lvm=0 rd.bootif=0 rd.neednet=0 nomodeset proxy.url=http://YOURPROXY proxy.type=proxy

Make sure the APPEND statement is on single line.

You can also use the image standalone (without TFTP under Foreman's control). In this case, edit your pxelinux.cfg/default file directly and make sure the foreman.url points correctly.

There are several bug reports with PXE-boot when GRUB2 tries to load initrd. By default the initrd in the tarball contains the rootfs and becomes bigger and bigger over time and from version to version.

A workaround is to separate loading of initrd and rootfs. The initrd is loaded by GRUB2, the rootfs by the Linux system. For this, the ISO (containing the rootfs) must be provided via web server:

wget*.iso -O /tmp/fdi.iso
mount /tmp/fdi.iso /mnt/
mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/fdi-image-slim
cp /mnt/isolinux/{vmlinuz,initrd.img} /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/fdi-image-slim/
umount /mnt
mkdir /var/www/html/pub/fdi-image-slim
mv /tmp/fdi.iso /var/www/html/pub/fdi-image-slim

Integrate it via templates (e.g. pxegrub2_discovery snippet) in the Foreman application.

common_slim="rootflags=loop root=live:http://YOURPROXY/pub/fdi-image-slim/fdi.iso rootfstype=auto ro acpi=force rd.luks=0 rd.lvm=0 rd.bootif=0 rd.neednet=0 nokaslr nomodeset proxy.url=https://YOURPROXY proxy.type=proxy BOOTIF=01-$net_default_mac ip=dhcp"

menuentry 'Foreman Discovery Image EFI Slim' --id discovery {
  linuxefi boot/fdi-image-slim/vmlinuz ${common_slim}
  initrdefi boot/fdi-image-slim/initrd.img


By default the instance only initializes default interface (the one it was booted from) via DHCP. If you want to initialize all network interfaces, provide fdi.initnet=all option on the kernel command line. Peer DNS and routes are always acquired only from the primary interface and ignored for secondary (PEERDNS, PEERROUTES, DEFROUTE). Network cards connected to same networks can cause troubles due to ARP filtering.


Discovery image has many features and configuration options. For more, visit


FDI currently builds only against EL 8 and building in a container will NOT work (docker/podman). The building host MUST be EL 8, other versions or Red Hat compatible systems (e.g Fedora) WILL fail to build.

Install the required packages:

$ sudo dnf install lorax anaconda pykickstart wget qemu-kvm

To prepare the kickstart do:

$ ./build-livecd fdi-centos8.ks

To build the image (this must be done on a EL 8 host):

$ sudo ./build-livecd-root 1.2.3 [./result] [virt]

The first parameter is the version of the image, the second is the target directory and the third argument can be either virt or nonvirt. Do not build images via the nonvirt flag as this can possibly destroy the host system - this is intended for building inside a clean VM (see below).

When testing the image for new features or bugfixing, it is useful to enable SSH access right away to boot the ISO directly. The first argument is version to be recorded, the second is the destination directory and the third are kernel command line options.

$ sudo ./build-livecd-root dev /var/lib/libvirt/images/ "nomodeset nokaslr fdi.ssh=1 fdi.rootpw=redhat"

Previously, it was possible to build with docker/podman, with lorax image builder this is no longer possible.

To extract the kernel and initial RAM disk:

aux/livecd-iso-to-pxeboot fdi-XYZ.iso

The final step is to copy the resulting tarball to the TFTP boot directory:

$ tar xvf fdi-image-*.tar -C /var/lib/tftpboot/boot

And visit for more information about how to configure Foreman and how to use the plugin.

Adding drivers/firmware

Additional kernel drivers and firmware, including 3rd party software, can be added by editing the build-livecd-root script and modifying --dracut-arg arguments to list dracut modules with --add-drivers. A pseudo-example (this is not a working configuration):

--dracut-arg="--add-drivers mlx4_core mlx4_ib mlx4_en mlxfw" \
--dracut-arg="--install /sbin/mlnx_bf_configure" \

Some more complex drivers will need additional configuration files or system services to be added. The same driver and userspace utility packages need to be added into 20-packages.ks file section %packages. A yum repository must be added so yum/dnf can find 3rd party drivers.

To build the image, follow the instructions above.

Building a release

This chapter is for The Foreman team members, skip to the next section if this is not for you.

To build new release, use our Jenkins CI job:

The job uses Vagrant to spin VM in OpenStack/Rackspace and then copies the result to our site.

It is possible to start the job locally in libvirt:

	cd aux/vagrant-build
	LC_ALL=C repoowner=theforeman branch=master proxy_repo=3.1 vagrant up fdi-builder

Wait until the box starts up and builds the image, then connect to the box and download the image:

	vagrant ssh-config fdi-builder | tee vagrant-ssh-config.tmp
	mkdir tmp
	scp -F vagrant-ssh-config.tmp fdi-builder:foreman-discovery-image/fdi*tar tmp/
	scp -F vagrant-ssh-config.tmp fdi-builder:foreman-discovery-image/fdi*iso tmp/

And finally (do not forget):

	LC_ALL=C repoowner=theforeman branch=master proxy_repo=3.1 vagrant destroy fdi-builder


Discovery Image supports runtime extensions published via TFTP or HTTP. Those are distributed as ZIP files with shell scripts. It is also possible to build an image with extensions built-in which is helpful for PXE-less environments.

To do that, follow the documentation to create directory structure in root/opt/extension folder. Do not put ZIP files into this folder, but keep the directory structure extracted (this is the directory where ZIP files get downloaded and extracted). Then rebuild the image, the extensions will be started during boot.

Additional facts

Some extra facts are reported in addition to the standard ones reported by Facter:

source /etc/default/discovery
facter | grep discovery
discovery_bootif => 52:54:00:94:9e:52

discovery_bootif - MAC of the interface it was booted from


First of all make sure your server (or VM) has more than 500 MB of memory because less memory can lead to various random kernel panic errors as the image needs to be extracted in-place (150 MB * 2).

The first virtual console is reserved for logs, all systemd logging is shown there. Particulary useful system logs are tagged with:

  • discovery-register - initial facts upload
  • foreman-discovery - facts refresh, reboot remote commands
  • nm-prepare - boot script which pre-configures NetworkManager
  • NetworkManager - networking information

The root account and ssh access are disabled by default, but you can enable ssh and set root password using the following kernel command line options:

fdi.ssh=1 fdi.rootpw=redhat

Root password can also be specified in encrypted form (using 'redhat' as an example below). Single and/or double quotes around password are recommended to be used to prevent possible special characters interpretation.


You can use tty2 console (or higher) to login as well.

To debug booting issues when the system is terminated in early stage of boot, use systemd.confirm_spawn=true options to interactively start one service after another. Anothe option rd.debug=1 option makes sure shell will be spawned on fatal Dracut errors.

If the system is halted immediately during boot sequence, this can be caused by corrupt image. Check the downloaded image using sha256sum. If the problem persist, make sure kernel option is NOT present. Beware that this looks like there are transmission errors of the init RAM disk and you may have unexpected behavior. PXE is unreliable protocol, server and TFTP must be on the same LAN.


This repostirory is downstream friendly for koji. The generated fdi-image.ks kickstart file is self-containing. First of all, run the initial script and provide empty base kickstart without any repositories (they will be added via koji:

$ ./build-livecd fdi-empty.ks

Then simply build the image from kickstart called fdi-image.ks:

koji spin-livecd \
  fdi-image-rhel_7_0 \
  $(cat root/usr/share/fdi/VERSION) \
  --release $(cat root/usr/share/fdi/RELEASE) \
  --repo=http://my.repo/1 \
  --scratch \
  x86_64 \

Then extract the kernel and initial RAM disk:

aux/livecd-iso-to-pxeboot fdi-XYZ.iso


Please follow our generic contributing guidelines for Foreman. Make sure you create an issue and select "Image" Category.



The kickstart file, utility scripts and other software in this repo is licensed under GNU GPL v2 or later. Exceptions are individually commented in file headers.

Generated image is covered by additional licenses, refer to Fedora and CentOS licensing information.