A repository containing the project's work for the course Software as a Service in the 8th semester of the department of Electronical and Computer Engineering NTUA.
The aim of the project was to create a question-answer management application, named askmeanything, with minimal functionality that implements some Software as a Service (SaaS) architectures.
You can find our app deployed on heroku here: https://ask-soa-frontend.herokuapp.com/
In SOA, we created a service-bus which uses REDIS
and acts as a middleware between the 4 services but also between our frontend and our services.
The services, listed below, are all REDIS
Uses JWT tokens to provide authentication for our users.
Question manager
Manages questions and their keywords.
Question run
Manages answers and votes, a more secondary service.
Profile,stats and analytics
Provides stats and analytics for the above and the user's profile.
Finally, we created a separate app named data-layer which provides an interface between our Postgres database and the four services.
In the Microservices architecture we created 6 microservices and a choreographer using REDIS
again which synchronizes their databases.
The microservices created are:
- authenticator-ms
Uses JWT tokens to provide authentication for our users.
- question-man ms
Supports CRUD operations for questions and keywords.
- question-run ms
Similar to question run service in SOA.
- questions-disp ms
Used to display one or more questions with all their information(answers, keywords, votes).
- profile-ms
Supports user's CRUD operations.
- stats-ms
Provides all the statistics and analytics endpoints.
and also... axios,pg and canvas-js.
For the deployment of our application we used Heroku which is very "postgres-friendly" for our databases.
In total we deployed 14 apps, 6 for the SOA architecture, 7 for the microservices and 1 for our frontend.
We attached heroku-postgres
in all the apps that needed a database and heroku-redis
in all the apps that implemented redis as a server or as a client.