ovirtstat is an oVirt input plugin for Telegraf that gathers status and basic stats from oVirt Engine using go-ovirt.
Latest releases are built with a go-ovirt library version that should work with oVirt 4.x.
Download the latest release package for your platform.
Edit ovirtstat.conf file as needed. Example:
## OVirt Engine URL to be monitored and its credential
ovirturl = "https://ovirt-engine.local/ovirt-engine/api"
## User and password of the REST API.
## Use "user@ovirt@internalsso" schema for oVirt 4.5.1 or greater
username = "user@internal"
password = "secret"
timeout = "10s"
## Optional SSL Config
# tls_ca = "/path/to/cafile"
## Use SSL but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false
## optional alias tag for internal metrics
# internal_alias = ""
## Filter clusters by name, default is no filtering
## cluster names can be specified as glob patterns
# clusters_include = []
# clusters_exclude = []
## Filter hosts by name, default is no filtering
## host names can be specified as glob patterns
# hosts_include = []
# hosts_exclude = []
## Filter VMs by name, default is no filtering
## VM names can be specified as glob patterns
# vms_include = []
# vms_exclude = []
## Filter collectors by name, default is all collectors
## see possible collector names bellow
# collectors_include = []
# collectors_exclude = []
#### collector names available are (details in METRICS.md) ####
## Datacenters: datacenter stats in ovirtstat_datacenter measurement
## GlusterVolumes: gluster volume stats in ovirtstat_glustervolume measurement
## Hosts: hypervisor/host stats in ovirtstat_host measurement
## StorageDomains: cluster stats in ovirtstat_storagedomains measurement
## VMs: virtual machine stats in ovirtstat_vm measurement
- Edit telegraf's execd input configuration as needed. Example:
## Gather oVirt Engine status and basic stats
command = ["/path/to/ovirtstat_binary", "--config", "/path/to/ovirtstat.conf"]
signal = "STDIN"
You can optionally tell ovirtstat the input's interval by adding --poll_interval <the_interval> parameters to the command. By default it expects 1m interval. If you want 30s interval configure it like this:
## Gather oVirt Engine status and basic stats
interval = "30s"
command = ["/path/to/ovirtstat_binary", "--config", "/path/to/ovirtstat.conf", "--poll_interval", "30s"]
signal = "STDIN"
Metric timestamp precision will be set according to the polling interval, so it will usually be 1s.
- Restart or reload Telegraf.
Edit ovirtstat.conf file as needed (see above)
Run ovirtstat with --config argument using that file.
/path/to/ovirtstat --config /path/to/ovirtstat.conf
- Press enter to force the collectin of metrics. You should see lines like those in the Example output below.
ovirtstat_apisummary,ovirt-engine=myovirt users=4i,vms_active=5i,vms_total=5i,version="",hosts=5i,storagedomains=23i 1677832223000000000
ovirtstat_datacenter,name=mydc,id=c3a7efc0-8417-4d1b-bc74-fa6f20d6bf1f,ovirt-engine=myovirt local=false,status="up",status_code=0i,clusters=1i 1677832223000000000
ovirtstat_host,clustername=mycluster,dcname=mydc,id=b3d53f5d-7ec3-43a8-a52a-15fe7dde25c2,name=myhyp01,ovirt-engine=myovirt,type=rhel cpu_threads=2i,memory_size=1622535045120i,status="up",status_code=0i,cpu_cores=16i,cpu_sockets=2i,cpu_speed=800,reinstallation_required=false,vm_active=5i,vm_migrating=0i,vm_total=5i 1677832224000000000
ovirtstat_storagedomain,id=072cba31-08f3-4a40-9f24-a5ca22ed1d74,name=ovirt-image-repository,ovirt-engine=myovirt,storage_type=glance,type=image available=0i,connections=0,committed=0i,external_status="ok",external_status_code=0,logical_units=0i,master=false,status="unattached",status_code=5i,used=0i 1677832224000000000
ovirtstat_storagedomain,id=ec413fb2-c6ce-4bea-a790-2533b728ac93,name=mysd01,ovirt-engine=myovirt,storage_type=fcp,type=data available=3233036632064i,connections=7,committed=16603269824512i,external_status="ok",external_status_code=0,logical_units=1i,master=true,status="",status_code=3i,used=7761005903872i 1677832224000000000
ovirtstat_glustervolume,clustername=mycluster,dcname=mydc,id=a1d52f5d-6vc3-42a8-a52f-21fe7dde25c2,name=mygv1,ovirt-engine=myovirt,type=stripe briks=1i,disperse_count=0i,redundancy_count=0i,replica_count=0i,status="up",status_code=0i,stripe_count=1i 1677832224000000000
virtstat_vm,clustername=mycluster,dcname=mydc,hostname=myhyp01,id=125555e7-fa2c-4d95-a5c4-51f1b9a7f563,name=myvm01,ovirt-engine=myovirt,type=server cpu_cores=1i,cpu_threads=2i,run_once=false,status="up",cpu_sockets=2i,memory_size=40802189312i,stateless=false,status_code=0i 1677832224000000000
internal_ovirtstat,ovirt-engine=myovirt,ovirtstat_version=0.1.0 sessions_created=1i,gather_time_ns=803780400i 1677832224000000000
See Metrics
Download the repo
$ git clone git@github.com:tesibelda/ovirtstat.git
build the "ovirtstat" binary
$ go build -o bin/ovirtstat cmd/main.go
(if you're using windows, you'll want to give it an .exe extension)
$ go build -o bin\ovirtstat.exe cmd/main.go
If you use go-task execute one of these
$ task linux:build
$ task windows:build
Tesifonte Belda (https://github.com/tesibelda)
Used libraries:
go-ovirt Apache-2.0 license