Probably first open-source mobile detection on pytorch*
*Let me know in issues if it's not correct
Why it's low-accuracy?
Most of the detection ops not implemented in pytorch mobile. But it's still possible to implement post-processing ops, like nms, and apply them.
Checked preprocessing and made so that input tensors in python and java was exactly same. But outputs stays different. Probably, something wrong with flow of tensor of traced SSD model on torch mobile.
- Take image from gallery
- Implement transformations
- Resize
- Normalization
- Implement post-processing
- Softmax
- Locations to boxes convertation
- Non-maximum suppression
- Draw boxes on image
- Non real-time object detection (Capture image from camera)
- Real-time object detection
- Upload models weights to storage and write downloading script
- Quantize models (now DETR model params weights 158MB)
Pytorch: Pytorch Mobile
Github: PyTorch Android Examples
Github: Pytorch SSD
Github: Android Camera2 API Example