A Restaurant Menu card in a 3d vision. Giving out more detail to the food item that the customer order.
We can interact in the app with our finger. Rotate the object and you can find the object in another angle.
imageview360 1.0.0
Add the Package
imageview360: ^1.0.0
Import the package in your dart file
import 'package:imageview360/imageview360.dart';
key: UniqueKey(),
imageList: imageList,
Note: For ImageView360 to show instant changes on hot reload, you need to provide UniqueKey()
so that the widget rebuilds every time.
key: UniqueKey(),
imageList: imageList,
autoRotate: true, //Optional
rotationCount: 2, //Optional
rotationDirection: RotationDirection.anticlockwise, //Optional
frameChangeDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 50), //Optional
swipeSensitivity: 2, //Optional
allowSwipeToRotate: true, //Optional
Note: For better experience always precache image before providing the images to the widget as follows.
List<AssetImage> imageList = List<AssetImage>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 52; i++) {
// To precache images so that when required they are loaded faster.
await precacheImage(AssetImage('assets/sample/$i.png'), context);
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