Macroalgae and light availability modulate populations of the temperate coral Astrangia poculata
Taylor Lindsay*, Willow Dunster, Carlos Prada
*Corresponding author:
TL_Quad_raw_data.R: data processing, modeling, and graphical analysis
TL_Quad_raw_data.csv: raw data collected from the field. See metadata below.
- date: date of quadrat sampling
- algae: Macroalgae cover (%), estimated in 5% increments
- mean_sym: number of symbiotic colonies per quadrat, mean of two counts
- mean_apo: number of aposymbiotic colonies per quadrat, mean of two counts
- light: ambient light (), collected using duplicate onset hobo loggers over the duration of quadrat counting, mean of all light values
- temp: sea water temperature (˚C), collected using duplicate onset hobo loggers over the duration of quadrat counting, mean of all temp values
- corrected_depth_m: Depth below mean low low water (m)
AP_Sym_Apriori.csv: a prirori study of color as a predictor of symbiont density
- sample_number: sample number designated in the field
- field_color: color classification from the field: BR (brown) or WH (white)
- ecotype: apo- or symbiotic ecotype based on color
- depth: depth below MLLW (ft)
- Cells/cm2: final symbiont counts (cells/cm^2
Figures: Contains published figures