Tech database for interview preparations. is a tech knowledge data base. It has flipping cards organized by dashboards. Each dashboard represents a tech topic, for example, JavaScript, Ruby, Networking, SQL, etc. Each card has a front and back sides. Front side is a tech question, for example, "What is Enumerable?". Back side has an answer to this question. Clicking on the card flips it over and displays the back side - the answer. was created using responsive design in order to be used on a mobile phone browser. Written in JavaScript/React on frontend and Ruby on Rails on a backend.
Demo: YouTube
- Ruby on Rails;
- JavaScript;
- React;
How to run instructions:
- Fork and clone this Project's GitHub repository.
- Have current version of Ruby, Rails and Node installed.
- Open a terminal and navigate into the backend folder:
- Install required gems (listed in Gemfile) by running the command 'bundle install';
- Run the command 'rails db:create' which will create the database;
- Run the command 'rails db:migrate' which will do DB migrations;
- Run the command 'rails db:seed' which will populate the database with existing user/plan/lists/tasks data;
- Run the command 'rails s' to start backend server;
- Open a separate terminal window/tab and navigate into the frontend folder:
- Run the command 'npm install' to install dependencies into the node_modules/ directory;
- Run the command 'npm start' to start frontend server.
Future features:
- login functionality;
- signup functionality;
- ability to create new dashboards;
- search functionality. uses data provided by Flatiron instructors and was created for educational purposes only. Created by Tatiana Smolin as part of a MOD4 Solo Project at Flatiron School.