This is a project focusing on Sales Analysis in the e-commerce realm, that targeting on electronic products. By studying datasets that include Order ID
, Product details
, Quantity Ordered
, Individual Price
, Order Date
, and Purchase Address
, we aim to provide comprehensive insights that enable the organization to make informed decisions.
This project are built on a foundation of data, with a goal to answer the critical questions that drive e-commerce success. Through careful analysis and in-depth visualizations, we are committed to explaining on the following important insights:
- Year revenue: Dive into the data to uncover the year with revenue earned
- Best Months for Sales and Revenue: Explore the data further to determine the months that were the peak of sales activity and revenue achieved during a given period.
- Cities with Highest Sales: Delve into geographical insights to determine the cities that emerged as sales hubs.
- Optimal Ad Times: Leverage data analysis to identify the ideal time to display ads
- Products Often Sold Together: Discover products that tend to be frequently purchased together
- Best-Selling Products and Their Success Factors: Analyze the products that get the highest sales volume, and learn the factors that may have contributed to their overwhelming success.