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Aquib edited this page Oct 15, 2021
9 revisions
require("staline").setup {
sections = {
left = {
'▊', ' ', { 'Evil', ' ' }, ' ', -- The mode and evil sign
'file_size', ' ', -- Filesize
{ 'StalineFile', 'file_name' }, ' ' -- Filename in different highlight
mid = { ' ', 'lsp_name' }, -- "lsp_name" is still a little buggy
right = {
{ 'StalineEnc', vim.bo.fileencoding:upper() }, ' ', -- Example for custom section
{ 'StalineEnc', 'cool_symbol' }, ' ', -- the cool_symbol for your OS
{ 'StalineGit', 'branch' }, ' ', '▊' -- Branch Name in different highlight
defaults = {
bg = "#202328",
branch_symbol = " "
mode_colors = {
n = "#38b1f0",
i = "#9ece6a", -- etc mode
vim.cmd [[hi Evil guifg=#f36365 guibg=#202328]] -- Higlight for Evil symbol
vim.cmd [[hi StalineEnc guifg=#7d9955 guibg=#202328]] -- Encoding Highlight
vim.cmd [[hi StalineGit guifg=#8583b3 guibg=#202328]] -- Branch Name Highlight
vim.cmd [[hi StalineFile guifg=#c37cda guibg=#202328]] -- File name Highlight
require'staline'.setup {
sections = {
left = {
' ', 'right_sep_double', '-mode', 'left_sep_double', ' ',
'right_sep', '-file_name', 'left_sep', ' ',
'right_sep_double', '-branch', 'left_sep_double', ' ',
mid = {'lsp'},
right= {
'right_sep', '-cool_symbol', 'left_sep', ' ',
'right_sep', '- ', '-lsp_name', '- ', 'left_sep',
'right_sep_double', '-line_column', 'left_sep_double', ' ',
fg = "#986fec",
cool_symbol = " ",
left_separator = "",
right_separator = "",
-- line_column = "%l:%c [%L]",
true_colors = true,
line_column = "[%l:%c] 並%p%% "
-- font_active = "bold"
mode_colors = {
n = "#181a23",
i = "#181a23",
ic = "#181a23",
c = "#181a23",
v = "#181a23" -- etc
require "staline".setup {
sections = {
left = { ' ', 'mode', ' ', 'branch', ' ', 'lsp' },
mid = {},
right = {'file_name', 'line_column' }
mode_colors = {
i = "#d4be98",
n = "#84a598",
c = "#8fbf7f",
v = "#fc802d",
defaults = {
true_colors = true,
line_column = " [%l/%L] :%c ",
branch_symbol = " "
- NOTE: this is for the crazies out there....
- normal mode:
- insert mode:
require "staline".setup {
sections = {
left = { ("▁"):rep(vim.o.columns) }, -- change thickness: "_", "▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█"
mid = {},
right = {}