β Memoirs is a fullstack web application , it uses ReactJs in the frontend and in the backend it uses MongoDB, NodeJs and ExpressJs .
β It is a place where you can store and share your memories in form of blogs along with pictures. You can also give categories to your blog if you fancy to. You can also edit or delete your blogs.
β We also used Multer along with GridFS storage to store the image to the MongoDB database and show it to the user.
β The blogs can also be sorted via Categories such as Music, tech, fashion etc. You can also view a particular user's blog by clicking on their names.
β BACK TO THE BASICS : This web app uses MERN stack and has the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality, these functionalities are used in all apps but in different scales, so it really helped me have a good grasp of the basics.
β USER AUTHENTICATION : I will soon be adding an User Authentication with the help of JWT or Firebase. We already have the functionality to view a particular user's blog so it will be easy enough.
β FILE STRUCTURE : The files are not currently structured or Organised , i'll do it once done with my exams and all.
It's easy enough, just follow the steps :
ππ» Fork
this repo to your own profile
ππ» git clone <repo_url>
to clone your forked repo into local system
ππ» npm install
to add the dependencies
ππ» npm start
to start the Application