The official implementation of Generative Neural Fields by Mixtures of Neural Implicit Functions
- Tackgeun You, Mijeong Kim, Jungtaek Kim and Bohyung Han, (NeurIPS 2023)
We have tested our codes on the environment below
Python 3.8
/Pytorch 1.10
/torchvision 0.11.0
/CUDA 11.3
/Ubuntu 18.04
Please run the following command to install the necessary dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
or you can use provided docker image.
docker pull tackgeun/mNIF:init
Here are benchmarks from three modalities adopted in our work. Extract those zip files in ${ROOT}/datasets.
Here are pre-trained models from three modalities in our work. Extract those zip files in ${ROOT}/experiments.
Refer to the shell scripts in scripts.
Training stage 1 mNIF with fast context adaptative via meta learning (CAVIA)
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
Evaluation and Test-time Adaptation of Mixtures of Neural Implicit Functions with Meta-Learning (Image, Voxel)
CAVIA simultaneously conducts adaptation and evaluation of given samples.
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
For evaluation, remove result path in -r and add a specific model -m=${MODEL_PATH}/metainits/epoch${EPOCH}.pth and add --eval flag.
- It also computes context vectors in latent space, which is saved on ${MODEL_PATH}/contexts/context-epoch${EPOCH}.pth
If out-of-memory occurs during evaluation, reduce the batch size and lr_inner because lr_inner is dependent on batch size currently.
- If the model is trained with batch_size=32 and lr_inner=10.0, batch_size=16 requires lr_inner=5.0
Training stage 1 mNIF with auto decoding
sh scripts/
Evaluation stage 1 mNIF with auto decoding. Contrary to CAVIA, auto-decoding procedure already computes context vectors during stage 1 training.
sh scripts/
Training latent diffusion model using features acquired from the context adaptation. Testingi and test-time adaptation of stage 1 model is required for stage 1 model trained with CAVIA.
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
Our implementation is based on below repositories.
- Datasets
- CelebAHQ is duplicated dataset from Functa
- Pre-processing ShapeNet 64x64x64 IMNet from IMNet
- Pre-processing SRNCars dataset from PixelNeRF
- Mixtures of neural implicit functions
- ShapeNet evaluation
- Latent diffusion model