WVCTF or WebVulnCTF is a gamified web platform which promotes training in pentesting and web application development security in an entertaining way. Through a rewards system, the user must search for a set of flags in the vulnerable application, that correspond to frequent vulnerabilities in web applications.
For more information visit the official webpage: https://repojfm.github.io/wvctf/
- Java 8 JDK (recommended jdk1.8.0_251 or latest)
- Apache Maven 3.6.3
- Node v12 (recommended v12.16.2) with NPM 6.14.x
- PostgreSQL (v12 recommended) run in the default port (5432) with a empty database 'wvctf', user 'postgres' and password 'root'. For more security configure /src/main/resources/application.properties.
- MongoDB (v4.2 recommended) run in the default port (27017) with a empty database 'WVCTF', user 'root' and password 'toor' in the authentication database 'admin'. For more security configure /src/main/resources/application.properties.
To build with Maven:
Backend: (on <path>/wvctf)
mvn clean install
Frontend: (on <path>/wvctf/src/main/java/com/julianfm/wvctf/frontend)
npm install
To run:
Backend: (on <path>/wvctf)
mvn spring-boot:run
Frontend: (on <path>/wvctf/src/main/java/com/julianfm/wvctf/frontend)
npm start
For help, you have the script run_script.bat (only for CMD of Windows).