We're making a game (of sorts) which will let you scan in people's drawings as little characters into a 2D environment. The 2D characters will then move around in an entertaining fashion so as to delight the masses.
In order to build Human Zoo, you will need Unity 2018.4.12f1. Other versions of Unity may work, but the project is only guaranteed to work with this version.
To start working on Human Zoo, clone the repo to a directory and then open the directory as a Unity project. Unity will create a bunch of cache files but they will be ignored in the repo and are unnecessary for syncing changes between contributers.
When contributing, you must work on separate branches and then make pull requests to master for new features and changes. You can do this from within the Github.com UI. Github may suggest "Compare & Pull Request" when viewing the repo. Otherwise, there is a "New pull request" option next to the branch button. The base will be "master" and compare will be your branch. You can choose to write a commit but we require at least a title. Then there's a big green "Create pull request" button, and then you're good to go.